Easy run to work. 5.5 miles, 48 minutes. Gonna hit the CRC run tonight, probably run some quarters down at CC.
The village just shelled out $110,000 to come up with this logo/slogan:

For some reason it makes me think I forgot to pay the utility bill.
Was wondering this morning why anyone who doesn't spend 90% of their free time on the trails would want to live here. Colorado Springs, population-wise, is much bigger than Pittsburgh. But I remember all the stuff there was to do in Pittsburgh, and it makes the Springs look like a backwater town.
Oh yeah, just when it looks like something cool for the few non-family, non-church-going folks might happen here, the mayor steps in. Can't think of a company who has done more for the community than Bristol, hopefully the mayor realizes this and shuts his yapper.
that's bullshit! that is the name of my blog.....tell c.s. they will be hearing from my lawyer soon!
Pete, the city knew they could settle with you for a weekend retreat with Ted Haggard.
all those recurring dreams of you and sandusky must have made you think of ted.
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