Thursday, November 20, 2008


Picked a great day to forget my climbing gear, for as I pulled into the parking lot I noticed the big yellow school bus, which meant the place was going to be crawling with kids.

So I found a nice empty corner and proceeded to knock out my first ever crossfit workout. Chose a workout called "21" which was the following:

20 push-ups/1 sit-up
19 push-ups/2 sit-ups
18 push-ups/3 sit-ups
17 push-ups/4 sit-ups

...and so on until you did 1 push-up and 20 sit-ups. You end up doing 210 push-ups and 210 sit-ups. I finished in 22:28. Not too shabby, but I hadn't done these kinds of sit-ups since my Army days so they were pretty slow. I don't think it'll take long for me to get under 20 minutes for this workout.

Pushed pretty hard, but it's still not even close to the best workout I've ever got at the rock gym. And it wasn't anywhere near the ballpark of the other two workouts I'll do today, Cheyenne Canyon and the Incline. While doing that many push-ups and sit-ups over lunch sure beats hitting McDonald's, I'm still not sure why people think CF is the end all/be all of hard workouts.

And for the record, I whooped Lulu's ass for this, and she owes me a beer!


Carie said...

Crossfit? Sell-out!

Jessi said...

I can't believe you did a crossfit workout!

brownie said...

I'm giving it a chance. And so far, I'm not overly impressed.

Unknown said...

not only do you suck at drinking beer but you're gay too.

Word is that Denise Austin has an aerobics show on TV (leg warmers and all) that you could tune into....

crom said...

maybe soon, you'll be able to climb that section that you got chicked on. just saying. :D

Lulu said...

When two people make a bet and one person does it and the other person has not yet done, that does not mean the first person wins you asshat. Just be patient young grasshopper. And start saving your money.

brownie said...

Yunz guys can all lick my balls while I drink the beer that Lulu owes me!