Monday, September 22, 2008


As far as I can tell it wasn't in the Gazette (shame on you , Dave!), but last week a member of the military "fell" off the second story balcony of Scumbay and was killed. Just one of countless retarded stories coming out of the shithole that is downtown Colorado Springs. I'd never root for a bar to close down, but I don't consider anything in the square between Platte, Nevada (at least until King's Chef gets it's liquor license, of course), Colorado, and Cascasde to be anything even remotely close to being cool enough to be a real bar. There's been a lot of stories published (and it seems a lot of stories not published) recently about sleezy happenings at all those yuppie downtown bars, hopefully they start yanking liquor licenses soon. Maybe that'll drive all those self-righteous downtown Springs wannabes up to some Denver martini bar.


Carie said...

I love martinis

brownie said...

You would actually love downtown CSCO.