Thursday, December 27, 2007

I killed Robert Plant!

One of the many gifts C-4 and Net gave me for x-mas was a nice plant. Looked too nice, I told them I wasn't ready for that amount of responsibility and committment but C-4 said it's not a hard plant to keep alive. So I named him Robert and put him on my kitchen table. This was only about a week ago. And I think he's dead now! I left this morning and all his leaves were brown. I watered him every two or three days, made sure the soil was moist, and gave him enough sunlight. What the hell did I do wrong?


Rafael said...

I think you were supposed to smoke it. What kind of plant was it?

Impala Mama said...

Was it the jade plant? If so that is an easy fix...I am trying to remember how the hell many other ones we gave you. It was probably my fault that it died, it probably went into shock from the sudden absence of horrid 80's ballads...

Bring it over tommorow and I will fix it.

Barbara said...

Probably over watered him..

Jes said...

Robert Plant? As in, "My super cool sister had a plant named Robert, so I think I'll do the same thing?!?"


Smut Mutt said...

You misunderstood the directions. When watering, you're supposed to use water from the tap, not from *your* tap.

Leave growing to farmers, homely women, and fags as God intended.