Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
woohoo yet again!
Read about it on this blog.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Colorado birth control
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tim Reynolds @ the Black Sheep!

Woo-muthafuckin'-hoo! Tix are $12 at the door. Pre-lube at Knob Hill!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Jack Quinn's
Anyways, Lauren, the only chick ever to beat me in the beer mile (not Social Retard, FYI) wanted to see how Bungholio (the founder of JQRC) spends his free time. Well, he wears a dress, and he sips peach schnopps!

mark your calendars!
Arctic Brewery
Calamity Jan's
The Putting Green Lounge
Baby Doll's
The Wagon Wheel
The Black Sheep
Knob Hill Lounge
Irish House IV
Skybox Lounge
Yes, folks, that's ten bars in less than a mile! And it's possible we'll add two more bars for an even dozen.
More details will be announced later. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up so they can arrange travel.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Happy 21st birthday...
Keep Austin Weird
P2H4 Red Dress
Saturday, September 23, 2006
winter workout #1

Sure enough, about halfway up the Incline the snow came. Wasn't laying on the ground yet, but it was covering the plants pretty good.
Made it up the Incline in 36 minutes, not too bad since I hadn't done it in a while. Was feeling pretty decent, so I decided to go play in the snow a bit more with a trek up Rocky Mountain. Continued up the Barr Trail to No Name Creek (which is the pic at the top for those familiar with the trail) and then began the bushwack up to the peak.
Had a great time! Lots of snow at this elevation. I was soaken wet very quickly, but luckily it wasn't windy so I was able to keep warm.
Rocky Mountain isn't a difficult climb, but the last 15 feet or so are somewhat technical. Especially when covered with snow. As I was hugging a rock I wondered, "if I were to fall and bash my skull or break a leg, I wonder how long it would be before someone came along and found me." Luckily I didn't have to find out.
Total time to the peak of Rocky Mountain was just over 80 minutes. Total round trip was a little over two hours.
Took a few pics, they can be seen here.
The view of Pikes Peak from Rocky Mountain can be seen here.

Friday, September 22, 2006
You know you're a hasher if...
1. You see colored splotches on the ground and start following them just to see where they go.
2. You realize your performance during any physical activity is greatly enhanced by the consumption of beer.
3. You are male and own a multitude of dresses.
4. You have scars from PI.
5. Half your tshirts are too obscene to wear in public.
6. You know the reason behind that anthrax scare in your neighborhood.
7. You can't remember the real words to "Take Me Out to the>Ballgame."
8. You really do whip it out at the ballgame.
9. You can navigate the woods, trails, and streams in your town better than the roads.
10. Ivy Block and/or Technu permanently reside in your backpack.
11. Your dinner on Thursday nights consists of Yuengling, Oreos, and Goldfish crackers.
12. You used to work in Chicago in this old department store... but you're too afraid to tell anyone why you're no longer employed there.
no surprise here
You Are Olde English |
![]() |
I am part of the problem
Thursday, September 21, 2006
snow report
Breckenridge, 8 inches at base, 12 inches at top
Vail, 11 inches at top
Beaver Creek, 5 inches at base, 8 inches at top
Keystone, 5 inches
Forecast: More than 8 inches predicted for Friday night into Saturday morning.
I may jump on one of the KILO bus trips to Monarch this year. Then while everyone hits the slopes I'll hang out in the hot tub and get shitty drunk! Woohoo!
let it snow!
Go Buccos!
For those keeping track at home, the Pirates have won five in a row. We've also climbed out of last place, passing the Cubs, and may very well pass the Brewers soon. We've won 15 of our last 21 games, and are 35-27 since the all star break. The 'stros and Cards are lucky the season is gonna end soon, or we'd catch them too!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Pony Express

Despite the fact that I was severly hungover from the previous night's Kimchi hash, I got up super early on Sunday for the Pony Express Trail Run, a 15 mile loop around Rampart Resovoir put on by the Pikes Peak Road Runners.
Never been on this trail before, and what a great trail it was! Mostly non-technical singletrack, very runnable. And some of the best views of Pikes Peak I've ever seen!
I ended up running 2:10:30. Not blazing by any means but it was a good training run. It was pretty cold with an annoying wind, and I lost a lot of time at one point there I had to empty some rocks out of my shoe. My fingers were so cold I had trouble untying and tying my sneaks.
Finishers awards were pretty cool, a rusty horseshoe with a tiny plaque on it. Not bad for $6.
Jack Quinn's
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
kimchi hash
Pretty bad when other hashers avoid your kennel because of too much booze. But maybe Meat has a point, as evidenced by the latest Kimchi pics.
Out of respect and propriety, the Steeler fan took off his cap and placed it over her right breast. The 49ers fan took off his cap and placed it over her left breast. Following their lead, the Browns fan took off his cap and placed it over her crotch.
The police were called and when the officer arrived, he conducted his inspection First, he lifted up the Steelers cap, replaced it, and wrote down some notes.
Next, he lifted the 49ers cap, replaced it, and wrote down some more notes.
The officer then lifted the Browns cap, replaced it, then lifted it again, replaced it, lifted it a third time, and replaced it one last time.
The Browns fan was getting upset and finally asked, "What are you, a pervert or something? Why do you keep lifting and looking, lifting and looking?"
"Well," said the officer, "I am simply surprised. Normally when I look under a Browns hat, I find an asshole."
Sunday, September 17, 2006
How much for a drink?

Good article on alcoholism on the front page of the Colorado Springs Gazette. They say that everyone in the U.S. will spend around $620 a year for the consequences of hardcore boozers. Hell, I'll spend more than that just at the Knob Hill Lounge, and beer is super cheap there.
Anywho, I don't know that alcoholism is any worse in the Springs than anywhere else I've lived, but it's definitely more visible here. Especially now that I work around parolees, most of whom are alcoholics on top of other drugs, I often wonder what pushes someone over the edge. I drink a ton, but I never not been able to function in the real world. In fact, despite getting shitty drunk last night and not remembering a chunk of the evening, I still got up at 5:30AM for a fifteen mile trail run. I'll probably get drunk again tonight, yet I'm sure I won't miss work tomorrow. I would love to know why I'm able to do this yet someone else wouldn't be able to get over that hump and return to the bottle despite knowing that it's ruining their life.
There were some interesting quotes in the story. The article follows "David," a heavy boozer who was in the cycle of detox, rehab, and relapse. One of David's nuggets of wisdom: "It's good to be sober and go to church and all that stuff. But it's also good to be drunk, and pick up a chick and go to a hotel. There's two sides to the coin." This coming from a guy who would drink a pint of vodka before he got out of bed in the morning.
Some good stats from the article too.
-Colorado ranks 5th in per capita consumption of alcohol. Only Alaska, Delaware, Nevada, and Wisconsin are higher. This was before I moved here though.
-Colorado Springs police department made 2,428 DUI arrests in 2005. 550 were repeat offenders (22.6% of the total).
-Colorado spends six cents out of every $100 spent on substance abuse on prevention, treatment, and research. The other $99.94 goes to mop up the messes that drunkards leave behind.
-There are 744 liquor licenses in Colorado Springs. 118 are for liquor stores. 441 are for bars/restaurants.
The full article can be read here.
Sherman and a bitter end to the climbing season
Did manage to bag Mt. Sherman (14,036 ft). But to do so I had to take shelter not once but twice in old, abandoned mining buildings. Seems the snow came to Colorado one week too early. And it was a snow/hail mix, and the driving wind caused the hail to pelt off my face, which got annoying really quick.

Almost didn't make this one. There's a long ridge you hafta traverse to bag the peak, and the wind was howling and the visibility was super low. Plus, it was freezing cold and I was just plain miserable. But I kept on, and eventually got to the top. I usually spend a good hour on the peak of a 14er, but I was there just long enough to down my PBR today. And I had planned on doing two 13ers on this hike, but I had to bail due to the weather. On the hike back down the ridge, I was knocked over by the wind. Pretty scary.

After escaping the crappy weather it was off to Alma, where I proceeded to drink in every bar in town. Yup, all two of 'em. The South Park Saloon and Alma's Only Bar (which is right next door). Might have the pub crawl there for CoTex.
The weather actually started getting a bit better, or maybe I was just getting drunk, and I thought the chances were decent for the planned Quandry Peak night hike. Met up with Melissa, Just Susan, and Hundred Buck Fuck at the trailhead around 8PM. Beautiful night, and I really thought I'd finally beat Quandry. But once we got above treeline the wind was awful. I've heard many stories about the wind on Quandry, including hikers literally getting blown off the mountain, so not too far above treeline I made the decision to turn around. I think I'm gonna save Quandry for my final 14er, that mountain seems to have my number and I should lay low for a while so it forgets about me.
Susan and HBF had to bolt back to Colo Springs, but Melissa and I were off to the Collegiate Peaks for an attempt on Columbia and Harvard. Rained all night, and of course that rain was snow up at higher elevations. So we only got about three miles into the hike before we had to bail. Didn't even get to see the mountains, it was so cloudy. Melissa had a good breakfast though.
So that's it for my rookie climbing season. Managed to bag a dozen 14ers. Might try some winter climbing on Pikes Peak, but other than that I plan on being lazy until next May or so.
Pics can be seen here.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
malt liquor
40oz of fury
I think Team Brass Monkey should be divided up into two groups. Team 8-ball for the real hooch drinkers, and Team King Cobra for the rest of the wannabes!

Thursday, September 14, 2006
bar fifty!
Ancient Mariner
Back East Bar & Grill
Baracuda Bob's
Bernie's Lounge
Bijou Bar and Grill
Bristol Brewing Company
Calamity Jane's
El Dorado Lounge
Finish Line Lounge
Il Vicino
Irish House IV
Jack Quinn's
Judge Baldwin's
Kelly O'Briens
Knob Hill Lounge
Mission Inn
Murray St. Darts
Navajo Hogan
Old Mill Tavern
Old School Tavern
Penalty Box Lounge
Phantom Canyon Brewery
Pine Top Lounge
Putting Green Lounge
Red Rock Lounge
Robin Hood
Sam's - The World's Smallest Bar
Skybox Lounge
Southside Johnny's
Squatting Chicken
Thirsty Parrot
Thunder & Buttons
Time Out Lounge
Townhouse Lounge
Triple Nickel
Yukon Tavern
The majority of these bars are within three miles of my house, quite a few within walking/stumbling distance. I have a lot of work to do, as I have yet to even scratch the surface of Colorado Springs pubs. I'd estimate that I've not even been to 10% of all the bars here in the Springs.

more Invihash pics...
Day 3
Day 4
Royal Gorge

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
this weekend
Fri AM: Mt. Sherman (14,036 ft) and Gemini Peak (13,951 ft).
Fri PM: Quandry Peak (14,265 ft)
Camping Friday night in the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness.
Sat AM: Mt. Harvard (14,420 ft) and Mt. Columbia (14,073 ft)
Sat PM: Kimchi hash
Camping Saturday night in a pile of my own puke at NBN's house.
Sun AM: Pony Express 15mi trail race around Rampart Resorvoir
Sun PM: Lunch at Purple Castle
Mon PM: Steelers on Monday Night Football
Should be interesting as there's been significant snowfall reported on all the 14ers I'm gonna try to bag. Plus, the Arctic Brewery will be my 50th different bar since I moved to Colorado Springs!
Congrats, coach!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Happy birthday, Jes!

Monday, September 11, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Kimchi hash this Sat!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Good times!

Climbed Pikes Peak with Johnboy, Stop and Blow, Strip Me, and Susan this afternoon. It was my 10th summit of the purple mountain (though the first time was by the Cog Railway and doesn't really count) and my fifth consecutive month with a summit of Pikes. Went a new route, via Crags Campground. Here's the beta:
Depart Crags: 7:30AM
Arrive Summit: 12:30PM
Depart Summit: 1:00PM
Arrive Crags: 4:00PM
PBR cans consumed on summit: 3 (two by brownie)
Pics can be seen here.

In other news, the Steelers and Panthers are undefeated! The Buccos are NOT in last place (that is not a typo - we're a half game ahead of the fuzzy Cubbies)! Oh yeah, and Penn State got their asses handed to 'em! Hell, even local underdogs Air Force are givin' Tennessee a game.
And, there's a hash party within biking distance from my house tonight! Woohoo!
I'd never root for UT, but I kinda hope they go undefeated so we can play the 'horns for the national championship. It wouldn't be a good game, as UT doesn't have the weapons to play with us, but it would be fun to give all that shit to the Austinites.
By the way, Nicole is a Cincy alum, so if any of yunz see her be sure to rag her about losing to Pitt!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Jack Quinn's
They even have two TX hashers on their guest list, Just Nicole and Closet Freak.
first of many invihash pics...

Pics from Follow the Bleeder (FV) can be seen here.