Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Tues PM - 1.5 mile warm up, 10 x 400m, 1.5 mile cool down. Sore from the morning, so I took it easy. First quarter in 91, the rest in 88-89. Easy effort, figured it was better to do this than just go slog out an hour at ten minute miles. Beats what my neighbor was doing - sitting on the porch pretending to not be gay.

Wed AM - Didn't have to get to work until late, so I ran the half marathon route from my house. Hike and bike to downtown, north on Santa Fe to Sinton, than back through the Garden. 13.1 miles, 1:52.

Pirates winning streak is over.

1 comment:

Sean O'Day said...

1:52? That's a PR for you, isn't it?

Mow your damn yard!