Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hardrock on twitter
As usual, you'll also be able to check on runners at the Hardrock website.
I'm gonna be making all my final plans this weekend when I'm hanging out in Leadville. Should be finishing early enough to celebrate at the Silverton brewery this year.
Monday, June 29, 2009
fucking turtles!
Mile High schedule announced!
blanca peak

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Heading down to the Sangre de Cristo mountains today after work. Sleeping in the bed of my brand spankin' new Ford Ranger, after putting away some PBR's of course.
Friday morning I'm gettin' a super early start (4AM) to hit Blanca Peak (14,345 feet) and Ellingwood Peak (14,042 feet). Taking the Lake Como route, probably be at least a 15 mile hump. My buddy O'Day is already down there, and I'm gonna meet him at Lake Como for the climb. He recently managed to DNF the Sailin' Shoes 10K, and I'm sure most of the hike will consist of making fun of him for that.
Friday afternoon will be spent touring the finer points of the San Luis Valley. The UFO Watchtower, the Colorado Alligator Farm, Sand Dunes Hot Springs, and of course some of the finer dive bars in Alamosa.
We have about 80 hashers from the Front Range headed to the Dunes to camp out, and we have all the campsites reserved, so that should be a blast. Lots of bum wine in the forecast.
I'll go for a run on Saturday morning. Not sure where, either on some trails in the Sand Dunes National Park or a few hours out and back on Medano road, which passes through some awesome shit. I'm haring on Saturday afternoon, have a pretty sweet trail planned, and after that I should be good and drunk the rest of the day.
Have lots planned for Sunday, but we'll see how I feel. Would love to bag Star Dune, which has somehow avoided me despite three trips to the Dunes. But this year I'm definitely getting out to Zapata Lake, so we'll see how early I can get up.
How to recover from all this? Easy - drive home through Salida and hit Moonlight Pizza!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Cheyenne Canon Ale
Hello Members of The Friends of Cheyenne Canon,
Did you know that drinking beer is helpful to North Cheyenne Cañon Park? Well not just any beer, but drinking Cheyenne Cañon Ale certainly will. The official release party for this fine brew will take place at 5:00 pm, June 25th in the brewery’s tasting room on S. Tejon Street. Come join us andshare the excitement as Mike Bristol unveils this years creation.
For the third year in a row, Bristol Brewing Company will release its Cheyenne Cañon Ale on June 25 to benefit our city's beloved North Cheyenne Cañon Park. In the first two years, the popular ale sold out quickly and brought in over $30,000 for the park. Cheyenne Cañon Ale is a pinon nut brown ale, offering a malty sweetness up front, with a hint of nuttiness in the finish, thanks to the addition of roasted pine nuts to the brew. It will be available in 22-ounce bomber bottles and draft for a limited time at select liquor stores, restaurants and at the brewery.
Cheyenne Cañon Ale is one in the brewery's line of Community Ales, beers brewed to benefit selected community treasures that contribute to our quality of life. 100% of the profits from the sale of each bottle or pint will be donated by Bristol to the Friends of Cheyenne Cañon.
Thanks for all your continued support of The Friends of Cheyenne Cañon. We continue to fulfill our mission because of you.
Born to Run

Can anyone out there confirm that Ms. Shelton drinks as much as portrayed? I find it hard to believe that someone who finishes at the front of the pack can get away with that. I know it definitely affects my training, and hence my racing, but I'm not trying to win or set any records.
I've been on a reading tear since the Fruita 50, where I picked up a copy of Ed Abbey's "Desert Solitaire," which was on sale at the Colorado National Monument bookstore. Great read, sure wish I woulda picked it up before my Grand Canyon trip. Up next on the list is "Halfway to Heaven," something about some old dude climbing all the Colorado 14ers. If I can make it through that one, the three books in a year is probably the most I've read since my colledge days.
Monday, June 22, 2009
let the taper begin!
Sunday was a hard hike up to Pikes Peak, a run back down the Cog to Barr Camp, and a hike back down to Manitou with the pack, though it was a lot lighter after drinking all the beer the night before.
Today I'll end my streak of 16 straight days of running (I could count the DIM hash tonight as a run, but I'm not lame like that) and begin my taper. The rest of this month I'll cut out my two-a-day runs and come July I'll only run every other day. I've been going hard since October and it's gonna be awesome to enter a four month period where I'm either recovering from a big race or tapering for another one.
I'll be getting some altitude this weekend on my first road trip with the new truck. Hitting a 14er or two on Saturday and then hanging out at Zapata Lake right around 12,000 feet before camping at the Sand Dunes. The following weekend will be spent at Alma or Leadville.
Really worked my ass off to get ready for the Hardrock/Leadville double, here's hoping I can get an extra 30 miles this year...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
what about the bears, man?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Great concert though. Even a decent turnout for Colorado Springs. Got to meet the band during their break, have some great pictures to download.
good luck!
Locally, we have the Sailin' Shoes 5K/10K. Katie is volunteering. She's super jealous of the sweet PPRR volunteer hoodie I recently got and wants one real bad.
I'm kinda bummed that I won't be down at the San Juan Solstice, one of my favorite races. But Dave will be representin', and he sure picked a doozy for his first 50 miler. And kudos to fellow HCTR member Mike S for taking on such a challenge!
Lots of locals heading up to Wyoming for Bighorn as well. Harry, Shad, Pete, and Nick are all running the 100 miler. Brooks and John are doing the 50 miler.
Hope everyone has a great race!
Good luck to mopper as well, she's taking the MCAT today.
Me? I'll be spending the bulk of my weekend up on Pikes Peak. Heading up to the top on Saturday, then spending the night at Barr Camp. Sunday morning it's back up for some donuts and to play preacher man for Melissa and Mike. It wouldn't surprise me if I'm struck by lightning during that ceremony...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Developing story: Woman accidentally shoots herself in face
June 16, 2009 - 9:35 AM
Colorado Springs police are at a home in the eastern part of the city where a 60-year-old woman accidentally shot herself in the face. Police said the woman has been taken to a hospital.
slow day in the news...
Monday, June 15, 2009
Usain Bolt
what to do?
Moab's Alpine-to-Slickrock 50 miler
Steamboat's Run Rabbit Run 50 miler
Any thoughts?
My legs were pretty shot on Saturday morning from a double Incline on Thursday and a run up Barr Trail on Friday. That, combined with the hangover provided by Trinity on Friday night, and the Garden 10 miler looming on Sunday, didn't have me too excited about running. Was hoping to get in an easy 10 miler. But I ended up having one of those days where everything clicked, and I just kept going and going. Ended up doing just over 30 miles. Intemann trail, Section 16, Bear Creek Park, Santa Fe trail, Sinton Trail, the Garden, Rainbow Falls, and back to Manitou. Felt great, and it was awesome to get a 30 miler in. Did take a long pit stop at the Colorado Running Company and picked up a pair of the La Sportiva Wildcat. CRC has such quality customer service that they actually delivered the shoes to my house for me. Hope the Wildcat works out, I'm planning on running at least 50 miles of Hardrock in 'em.
Had a blast Saturday night. Ryan was in town for the Garden and BLOS's brother was visiting, so a bunch of us met at the Mariner for a few beers. A few Fat Tires there and it was off to the Tavern for some gin, and the drunkeness ensued. If that wasn't enough, then we went over to the Townhouse. I'll hafta check the pictures, but we probably hit the Keg as well (my memory is a bit fizzy after the Townhouse).
Sunday morning came way too early. I felt like hammered shit due to the hangover and the previous day's long run, so my goal of beating last year's Garden time went out the window. Ended up not running too poorly, 1:17:xx, about ten minutes off last year's pace but not too shabby given the situation.
Hung around the Garden for a while, watching friends finish and downing a few beers. After that, it was off to Katie's house for a bbq with some of the runners. Had a great time, drinking and shooting the shit and eating my weight in red meat.
Still sore as hell today from all the running. Great confidence boost for Hardrock though. I'll be spending this weekend up above 10,000 feet, and assuming I don't get struck by lightening when I officiate over Melissa's wedding on top of Pikes Peak I think I'll finally be as ready as possible for Silverton.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
quote of the day
"I have known more men destroyed by the desire to have wife and child and to keep them in comfort than I have seen destroyed by drink and harlots."
Happy Birthday to William Butler Yeats!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
"fast trail group"

We now change locations and will be running every Tues/Thurs morning at Bear Creek Park.
sad day
I'm known here for drinking PBR. In Texas it was Lone Star and/or Schlitz. But my entire beer drinking base was built during my early teens when I would pound either Yuengling or Iron City. And I just can't fathom Iron City being brewer anywhere else other than Pittsburgh.
future plans?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Austin/Colorado Springs
Some of my favorite reader comments:
enderr wrote:
Step 1: Get rid of FOTF and New Life as well as other religious organizations. Not only do they give the city a bad name, they don't pay taxes. When the local gov't courted all theses fundie groups it was the WORST thing a city could do. Step 2: Load up all of the military retirees and ship them to Florida. Step 3: Boot the USOC. Step 4: Clean house in the local government. Get modern thinkers in there and not just conservatives that have no desire for change or progress. That should be a good start. Once we fix our "image" then we can start to court all of these new businesses.
mpinco wrote:
Well Colorado Springs still has its Intel building [which is vacant, FYI]. Austin on the other hand ...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvcP9_R1Tiw
johnkoury wrote:
Let's see: Austin is the capital, has a major university, a moderate political base, an enlightened city government, major industries, is a magnet for young professionals and is twice as big as we are. And, oh yeah, they aren't dominated by retired military double-dippers and evangelical wackos. Lots in common, all right. Is this some kind of a joke?
eeyore wrote:
This is great! Maybe now Pueblo and Colorado Springs can work together to be the great power house we were meant to be!
solarsam wrote:
Austin is the capital of a conservative red state notwithstanding, Austin Energy has embraced the new energy economy and funded a viable renewable energy program. Colorado Springs Utilities on the other hand published a glossy booklet on how they are good stewards of the environment. They need to walk the talk.
lucius wrote:
Who was playing at Greune Hall?
mananamaria wrote:
three things that seperate us from Austin: A2, Focus, TABOR. Next things: Brown mudpits in parks and no restrooms, potholes, USOC boondoggle. then Austin has governnment employees and we have religious employees who don't make enough money to stay off foodstamps and other assistance. Oh, and the companies they work for pay no taxes.....similarities? INTEL. poor traffic management and sprawl. Also a more public group of ebvangelicals compared to the size of the rest of the population. The willingness to throw public trasit under the bus in favor of ever more cars.....
bike to work day

Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Mt. Evans
Ms. Thomas is a very well used 64 years old (she has made poor lifestyle decisions over the years, resulting in her taking 18 - EIGHTEEN!!! - daily prescriptions on top of using an oxygen tank) so I'm guessing the stress of prison life isn't gonna allow her to complete her sentence. Hopefully her end comes sooner rathat than later to save taxpayers the cost of all those meds.
See the Gazette story here.
The light sentence kinda puts a damper on tomorrow's bike-to-work day.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Big Sam's Funky Nation!
Between this, the Neville Brothers on July 1, and the Telluride Mardi Gras camping theme, I should be in pretty good shape for next year's Manitou Mardi Gras...

and the property values keep increasing!
My kind of place!
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Manitou Craft Lager Festival!
Friday, June 05, 2009

the return of acid jazz!
All musicians, vocalists and spoken word artists are invited to come out, sign up, and kick it for an appreciative, diverse and eclectic audience!
This event is hosted by acid jazz jam band A New Brain For Arnie, fronted by acclaimed bassist Kim Stone and award-winning guitarist Michael Reese, and the band plays sets of their own inspired music to begin and end the jam session.
However, as great as the host band is, this gig is really about the jammers and music fans who come out and make it a great evening. So, come out and jam with us or just to hang out and have fun, and please tell a friend to tell a friend about the Acid Jazz Jam!
Sunday evenings, 8 PM to Midnight.
962 Manitou Ave, Manitou Springs, CO
BLOS and Katie were significantly worse, FYI.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Charlotte, North Cakalaka
Anyone know anything cool to do in Charlotte?
Thought about bagging the highpoint of Carolina while I was there, but I wanna do that state via the Mt. Mitchell Challenge!
what about the bears, man?
And yes, it seems we do have bears in Acacia Park now. See it here.
upcoming races
I'll be running the PPRR Panoramic 4 miler this Saturday at Bear Creek Park. Not a goal race by any means, and I'm gonna run for two hours before the race, run the race hard, then run another hour until it's time to help with the monthly trail clean up (9AM at the 8th street wal mart).
Of course the Triple Crown starts soon, and the Garden 10 miler is already upon us. Hope to run 66 or so this year. The Summer Roundup follows shortly, and despite what this article had to say about last year I will be there this time around, as I need a finish there to run in the Pikes Peak Marathon. Pikes Peak and Leadville in back-to-back weekends, woohoo!
Saw some other goofy shit out there I thought I'd try. Saw this pic and immediately knew I had to run this race:
The Denver Gorilla Run is on October 31st. Real steep rego at $100, but you do get to keep the gorilla costume they give you. As a bonus, the run starts and ends at Wynkoop Brewing. As a double bonus, I'm guaranteed a PR as I have never run a 5.6K race before.
Another one that looks pretty cool is the Fans on the Field 10K on September 13th. You start at Invesco field, run to the Pepsi Center where you run across the floor, head over to Coors Field for a lap along the warning track, then head back to the finish which is on the turf at Invesco. Being from Pittsburgh, I'm not a Denver sports fan by any means, but that sounds like a cool run.
Would like to get back to the point where I can qualify for the A wave at Bolder Boulder. Need an 18:20 5K (which I can easily get), a sub 38 10K (which I would like to run next year at BB), a 1:24:05 (I'll go for that at Platte River next year) and/or a 2:55:34 marathon (Boston '10!).
Oh yeah, and as part of my 50/50/50 goal, BLOS and I (and Katie, though she doesn't know it yet...) are gonna go run the Route 66 marathon in Tulsa this November. We'll hit the Black Mesa on the way home. Oklahoma's state highpoint is a not too shabby 4,975 feet above sea level, but they kinda cheat as the point is just a few feet from the state border with Colorado.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
quote of the day
“It’s not only important that you do well but that your friends do poorly.”
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
National Running Day

Hardrock pacer
Trying to find someone to pace me from Grouse Gulch to Ouray.
FYI, I own the 513th fastest time ever run at Hardrock. I need to improve that by at least a few minutes, as the person sitting at number 512 is note other than Joe P!
Neville Bros/Tab Benoit
more Mile High
Hooray live music!
Monday, June 01, 2009
more HPb

Hoping to get around 320 miles in this month, then I'll begin my taper on July 1.
The more important thing here is that I'm enjoying running as much as ever. I've had a great time training for the summer, and the real fun doesn't begin until race day.