Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Leadville or bust!

Didn't get into the Triple Crown/Marathon the first few times I tried, so I figured someone was trying to tell me something.

My all time athletic wet dream would be to do this, and I figure trying Leadville right after Hardrock would let me know if it's in the realm of possibility for an average joe like me.

Race schedule for the rest of the year is pretty well set.

March 15 - Salida Marathon
April 6 - Platte River Half Marathon
April 19 - Greenland 50K
May 3 - Collegiate Peaks 50 miler
June 21 - San Juan Solstice 50 miler
June 28 - 30 - Leadville Training Camp
July 11 - Hardrock
August 17 - Leadville
Sept 6 - Imogene Pass
Dec 7 - Tucson Marathon

Sheesh, add in hash weekends and concerts and my summer is already booked up.

Those of you doing the Pikes races should also look into doing Imogene.


Yeti said...

Anyone that runs that much HAS to be running from something! Did mommy not love little Brownie? (secretly I'm jealous that you have the gumption to train and run in the events)

TitsOnTheRitz said...

Not only am I going to make it, you're going to help me!!