Monday, October 16, 2023


Mon - a bit tired after Pikes, so no AM run.  Biked over to Manitou after work and did the incline.

Tues - bike commute 85.  Nine there and five back.  Nice five mile run on the Garden trails with Mookie in the evening.

Wed - run commute 37.  Seven miles there, with the middle five or so pretty hard.  3.5 miles back home to make guitar on time.  CityRock 85 at lunch.

Thurs - run commute 38.  Easy five there, easy five back.

Fri - four mile hike with a 50 pound ruck followed by bike commute 86.

We spent the weekend out at Staunton State Park.  $100 ran the fish slap division of the Suffer Better 25k.  I had planned to go for a run out there on Saturday, but the fishing was pretty difficult and everyone was out there a lot longer than expected.  Kudos to $100 for grabbing third place female fisher though!  Mook and I did get in several hours of hiking and exploring while she was out running/fishing.

It was 19F on Saturday when we woke up.  Winter is coming.

We stopped in Victor on the way home to see the troll.  You can imagine the jokes going around about this.

Did get a good 15 mile run on the COVID loop when we finally got home.

For the week

run - 43 miles, eight hours

ride - 63 miles, seven hours

hike - 27 miles, eleven hours

I have been alcohol free for October.  No reason for the break, just thought it might do me good.  By far my longest dry spell since 2004.  I don't feel any better physically or mentally, though not having to deal with hangovers has been nice.  That streak will come to a hard stop on Saturday as we'll be down at Ullrfest at Elevation Brewing.

Mon - finally got back to the track.  3 x 1 mile, 600m RBI.  Untimed but probably in the 6:20ish range.  Evening bike to the incline, 20 pound ruck to go up and down.

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