Tuesday, March 17, 2020

life during wartime

Title stolen from the Endless British Pub Crawl, just because it's so fitting.  I spent a year in a war, and it was not as surreal as what's going on now.

Salida was cancelled.  But we still went down there.  Had some good runs and dog hikes on the local trails, and some good times at the various pubs like Soulcraft, Elevation, Moonlight, Benson's, and the Vic.  Was crowded on Saturday, then the ski resorts shut down and it was not so crowded on Sunday.  Possibly the last time I'll drink inside a pub for a while. 

Just about everything is cancelled through June.  The next event I have that is still on is the Garden Ten Miler in mid June.  This has all got to blow over by then, right?

Bars and breweries and restaurants are all closed here.  Some are able to offer grub to go.  Some breweries are still doing cans and crowlers.  Liquor stores are still open but I think at this time if I'm gonna spend loot on booze it will be from a local brewery. 

Boogie at the Broadmoor is cancelled.  No Pearl Jam.  Red Rocks has cancelled all shows up through mid May.  We have tix for two shows in early June. 

$100 and I are lucky in that we could weather a storm for a while.  But I know a lot of folks who aren't so lucky, and this could get ugly to watch. 


Bob Johnson said...

We bought some beer form a brewery yesterday. Most, if not all, here have gone to take out only. Same with restaurants.

dr. Slow Ride said...

You ought to get you some sleep.