Friday, March 20, 2020

senior dog

On Wednesday morning I got up for the daily dog hike.  Dog was happy at first, but almost immediately I could tell something was wrong.  One of her rear legs just wasn't working.  Called the vet, monitored her for 24 hours, and on Thursday I dropped her off at the vet office.  Terrible situation, she was scared shitless and I wasn't allowed into the office thanks to coronavirus issues, so I had to muzzle her and hand her over to a stranger.  I had a bad feeling about everything but it turned out to be not as bad as I thought.  Pup was diagnosed with arthritis, given some drugs, and put on bed rest for a couple of days.  Also had a good talk with the vet and the dog's hiking mileage might have to be cut down for good.  Officially a senior dog. 

The draw to be lazy is strong right now.  Still trying to get out though.  On Tuesday I biked to work, including stopping at Red Leg for a six pack to go.  Wednesday was a 10k road run in the Garden, ending at Fossil Brewing for a crowler of Mammoth IPA.  Thursday was a half hour run through the neighborhood.  This morning was a nice 10k in Red Rock Canyon.  The plan is to get the garage gym up and running this weekend.

We finished watching Hunters on Amazon.  Pretty awesome series.  Watch it for the first five minutes and it will suck you in.  Taking recommendations on other shit to watch, though with all the musicians putting stuff online right now that might become my go to.


GZ said...

I hear you on that draw.

Bob Johnson said...

My wife has been trying to get me to watch "Justified". I finally gave in and watched the first episode last night. I'm hooked.
Hope Holly is feeling better soon.

The Padre said...

Bummer - Senior Pups - Hearing Goes - Bones Ache - But Still Hungry - I Know Your On Top Of Anti Inflammatory Nutrition But If You Need Advice, Don't Hesitate - Having Said That, I Got Nothing For The Boob Tube - The UM Show Live Stream In SD,CA Was Pretty Sweet & Oakland Was Amazing - Caught Tony Furtado Last Night - Digging The Couch Touring
