Wednesday, July 13, 2016

D.B. Cooper

Tues PM - nice ride home after work.  Santa Fe, Bear Creek, Red Rock Canyon.  1:45.  Tried to end at Fossil but they are closed on Tuesday.

Wed AM - terrible night of sleep so I didn't answer the bell when the alarm went off.  Did get the dog out for an hour in the Garden.  Lots of coyotes today, including some that got so close I had to toss some rocks their way.

Looks like D.B. Cooper got away!

Todd Snider: D.B. Cooper from Justin Weihs on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Wyatt Hornsby said...

If Cooper were still alive, he'd be around 90. So it's good the FBI is moving. I definitely think he got away versus died when he hit the ground as searches were exhaustive. A fascinating case, for sure.