Saturday, October 10, 2009

Oil Creek

JT and Dan at 4:40 this morning before their 100 mile adventure. It rained all night and is drizzling and chilly so far today, so it's one big mud pitt out there. Due to all the bridges in the county being closed for some reason or another, I wasn't able to go to the 15mile aid station. Heard JT made it in 2.5ish hours. Hoping to see him in another hour or so back at the start. Which he will come to and have to leave three more times...yuck!


MW said...

Thanks for the updates. Much appreciated!

GrannyLingus said...

Wow PITT still sucks, I am pretty sure you are not stable but hey good luck and enjoy the Burgh some more.

Brandon Fuller said...

Keep the updates coming! Snowing in Colorado right now.

MW said...

guess Katie got shit-faced fall down drunk and forgot to post updates?? ; )