Tuesday, May 28, 2024

red leg 10k

Solid week.  

Tues - bike commute 39, ten miles there and eleven back home.  CityRock 65 at lunch.

Wed - run commute 36, six miles each way.

Thurs - took the day off work to join SAR in a missing person search down near Bishop's Castle.  The moment we left rescue base the girl turned up.  Used the day off to get in a 2.5 hour run over at Section 16.

Fri - bike commute 40, then an easy five miler on the Garden trails in the evening.

Sat - ten miles on the COVID loop, was going to go further but got a SAR call for a broken ankle in Cheyenne Canon.

Sun - awesome long run.  Ute, Longs Ranch, Bob's, then Barr Trail up until I hit heavy snow around 11,000 feet.  Barr Trail is clear up to half mile past the Bottomless Pitt sign.  20 miles.

For the week:

run - 65 miles, 14 hours

ride - 68 miles, 6.5 hours

hike - 28 miles, 12 hours

On Monday I ran the annual Red Leg 10k.  Somehow they messed up the turnaround and I ended up running 6.5 miles, finishing in 47:21.  Hit the 10k mark at just under 45.  

Been a good stretch for me.  In the last 2.5 weeks I have an 18 mile road run, the Colfax 'thon, a 20 miler on Pikes, and a good effort at the 10k.  This week will be a bit down as I travel to Portland tomorrow for the Hood attempt.

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