Wednesday, November 27, 2019

run commute 73

We got a ton of snow here in Pleasant Valley, quite possibly the most since I've lived here.  The Air Force Academy announced on Monday afternoon that they would be closed on Tuesday, so our cadet was excited to chill at our house an extra day before her flight home for turkey break.  But I informed her that this was an Army house, and we do PT at 5AM regardless of the weather.  I think she thought I was joking, but her and the dog and I did a 45 minute slog through a good eight inches of snow in the Garden before the sun came up.

Wednesday - some drunko might have left the jeep at Red Leg last night, so I had to run to work despite it being 3F when I left.  All the roads in COS are a hot mess, or icy mess, right now.

A few extra pics from the Soldier Marathon:

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