Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Still trying to get some long rides in, but the weather is not playing nice.  Was hoping to ride the trails of Lake Pueblo on Sunday, but got word that things there were still a mess.  So I left the house with a plan to ride up to Pikes Peak Brewing instead.  Made it to the Academy gates (where all the no trespassing signs had been removed but the gates were still locked) and the Santa Fe trail just turned to poo.  I hopped the fence and continued for a quarter mile but any farther would have required a hike-a-bike.  So I turned around and tooled around town, getting in a solid 40 miles.

Rest day on Monday.  Nice hour hike in the Garden with the dog in the morning, then an hour of hot yoga after work.

10K on Tuesday morning.  Knew the track would still be a mess, so I did some two minutes on/two minutes off. Inspired by GZ's recent mile goals, going to start leaning towards shorter intervals on Tuesday.

Christ, this is Pitt's new hoops coach.  Nothing super creepy to see here.  Interesting hire, to say the least.  My faith in humanity takes a hit every time I have to follow sports message boards on the internet, so I'm glad they at least got the hire over with.

Oddly, this pic came up when I was googling the above image.  A much better representation of a great university:

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