Tuesday, February 24, 2015

When does this global warming thing arrive?

Looks like I'm in survival mode, fitness wise, for the next two weeks as forecasts are predicting a long stretch of winter weather.

Did what I could yesterday.  Too cold and snowy/icy to go outside, so I hopped on the bus and headed downtown to hit the Y.  Good 45 minutes of throwing around some weights, then 3.7 miles in half an hour on the treadmill.  Couldn't bring myself to go any more than 30 minutes on the 'mill.  I see guys doing 20 milers on these things and I just don't see how they do it.  I'll buy anyone who does a 20 miler on a treadmill during this latest snowpocalypse a beer.  A Coors light, since running inside is for pansies, but a beer nonetheless.

Hit CityRock for some bouldering in the evening.  This is a typical day at the rock gym for me:

And I'm all caught up on Better Call Saul, so there's that.

Did get out for my usual Garden 10k loop this morning.  Roads are horrible and super slow to run on, but it wasn't too bad a run.  And the Garden wasn't looking too shabby in her new coat of snow.

The view from the front window after my run:


Andy said...

We spaced BCS last night and will have to watch it before the next episode next Monday.

Unknown said...

It's now called climate change so as to be more difficult to pinpoint.
And, yes to better call Saul