Wednesday, February 04, 2015


Very easy five mile runs on Monday and Tuesday.  Some trips to the Y and CityRock thrown in for good measure.  And bike commutes 16 & 17 for the Icy Bike Challenge.

Been sore as hell since the half.  This morning I was finally feeling good again, but I didn't let that stop me from taking it easy.  6.4 miles on the Garden roads in an hour.

Heading up on Thursday to meet Semi-Rad!  If anyone else is going, get in touch with me if you want to meet up beforehand.  Thinking pre beers and pizza at Hops & Pie.

Change of plans for this weekend.  Mike H guilted me into not spending so much money on a bike ride.  So I told $100 that it would save us money if I just stayed here and rented a fat bike instead!  She rolled her eyes, but never really said no, so that's the plan for Saturday.  Can't ride the Salsa since she'll be in the shop getting a tune up.

Happy stout month!

1 comment:

mike_hinterberg said...

Good marital trick, on talking about a more expensive event and then 'compromising' by doing something cheaper.
Didn't know about the Salvagetti event -- have plans for dinner but I'll see if there's a possibility.