Thursday, May 31, 2012


Easy 45 minutes with the dog this morning in Red Rock Canyon.  She ate something disgusting in the parking lot.  Wasn't sure if it was a decaying leg of some small animal or some bad taco bell a mountain biker barfed up.  It was so gross that after the dog ate it, she threw it back up.  And then tried to eat it again!  Dogs.

Awesome article over here on charity.  I've long been turned off by any attempt to raise money (or "awareness," as it's called nowadays) for a cause through running.  It started long ago back in Austin, where it seems nobody just goes and does stuff outside because it's fun, but they always have to hit you up for money for [insert cause here], and it continues to get worse.  I was told this weekend that if I wanted to run Badwater, my "chances of getting in would be helped a lot by raising money for something, especially anything Vet related."  I just want to try to run/walk, slowly, from Badwater to Whitney, to see if I can do it.  Tough enough challenge, but now I'm expected to attempt to save the world on top of that.


trudginalong said...

I have no problems with folks attempting to raise money for a charity by adventure so long as they are not using the donations to cover the cost of their "adventure". Pay your own goddam way. If someone thinks that me paying for them to climb some mountain or whatever will help "the cause" they can go fuck themselves.

nmp said...

Just do it on your own. It isn't like the race actually gives you anything for the $1000+ entry fee...

brownie said...

I have a feeling that most, if not all, of that fund raising adventure crap only donates what is left over after all the bills are paid.

I would never finish that race on my own. I am accepting donations though...

Local Mind Media said...

I'll do the fucking thing for free with you next year.

brownie said...

Will you make me a belt buckle?

Wyatt Hornsby said...

I spent 7 years in professional fundraising for hospitals and I think anyone who uses donations to finance their little adventure and then give what's left to the cause is a dishonest, unscrupulous individual, to put it in nice terms. If you're gonna do, say, Badwater and raise money for a cause, then pay for Badwater and ALL of its related expenses (entry fee, lodging, gas, supplies, etc.) from your own f'ing pocket--without using ANY donations. I used to want to do Badwater, but I don't really have the desire anymoe. I need every brain cell I can get. I really believe that race fries your mellon and leaves you 1/100th dumber.


brownie said...

Wyatt, I'll put you down for a $1000 donation. I promise that whatever is left after I pay the $995 entry fee I'll give to charity. Thank you for supporting the cause.

Wyatt Hornsby said...

JT: Sounds like a deal. And speaking of deals, I have to say it's a real good deal for Badwater to charge $995 to enter their race. I mean, hell, isn't it the bargain of the century to pony up that kind of cash to run in 120-degree heat through the desert and get no aid from anyone but your own crew, who are also there sweating their asses off?

In all seriousness, if you get in, I may be interested in pacing, if you'd like my services. I wanted to get down there this year to see Morton crush it (he's gonna win, I think), but I won't be able to 'cause of work.



GZ said...

If you do it on your own I might be able to sit around, eat taco bell that I barf up for your dog.