Thursday, April 05, 2012


Life (i.e,. laziness) is seeing to it that I take a down week.  Forgot to bring a flashlight to Barr Trail this morning, so the run was a wash.  40 minutes, 2.5 miles.  Ugh.  I'm more pissed about wasting an on-time arrival at the Cog than I am about the shitty run.

Inclinathon has been moved to April 14th.


mtnrunner2 said...

Any idea what the conditions are like past No Name? I'm guessing some snow in spots below (like the shaded hill right below the camp), then a bit more snow above...?

brownie said...

Barr Trail is 100% clear to Barr Camp. Runners in shorts and regular gear are getting at least to A Frame with no problem.