Five miles easy with the dog on the Garden trails, 60 minutes.
167.7 pounds this morning, up seven pounds from the NOLA marathon. Might be time to jump back on the diet wagon.
Dog school and the PPRR newsletter stuffing tonight, so no PM run. Gonna hit the rock gym over lunch to get in a second workout.
Lots of chatter on steroids lately. Watched Bigger, Stronger, Faster last night (it's on netflix streaming if you're interested), really good flick. At one part, they point out that there are four ways to raise your red blood cell count: EPO, blood packing, sleeping in an altitude chamber, or, paraphrasing from the movie, "training at the Olympic Training Center at 6,000 feet." The shot of the OTC they use is about 200 feet from my office. Really backs up the general feeling I have that all professional athletes are doping, but ads "why should I care" to the equation. This guy is in the movie too (believe it or not, he's on the juice):

Gotta love the guys that use synthol. It doesn't make them stronger, it's the stuff that gives them the balloon-like muscles.
I can get the desire for performance enhancing stuff for athletes, hell, even for the bodybuilders, but as soon as you go the synthol route you've basically said, "My lifelong dream is to be a cartoon character."
I'll try to catch the movie on netflix, thanks.
Only three ways to get big... EAT, LIFT till you puke, and SLEEP. Repeat. Better to have smaller biceps and still have your nads...
His arms look pretty natural to me.
that's the guy in a video on youtube. he's jabbing a syringe repeatedly into that bicep that is square at the top (right) to extract blood because it's hemorrhaging. ended up getting an infection (go figure) and had to have part of the muscle chopped off.
guy sounds like mike tyson when he talks and has the brain the size of a peanut.
fucking losers.
FF, sounds like you're jealous that you can't bench 700 pounds.
That guy can't bench 700 lbs either. He just injected oil into his muscles to make them look like that.
I can bench 750. I'm a mcdavid athlete.
Up 7 lbs. since Nola? Muscle weighs more than fat, so maybe it's muscle.
Just in case it's not,as a weight loss expert, I'd suggest you don't use too much ketchup on the fries,it has sugar in it.
As I explore it more, I am also amazed at how many things folks take to augment performance. I guess I am guilty, as I have taken an iron supplement or vitamin C on occasion ... but the list gets pretty extensive for some guys (listen to Ben Greenfield talk ...)
I was 168 this morning. When $100 commented on my weight gain I slugged her. So whatever that guy in the alley sold me is working.
I do take a one-a-day vitamin four or five times a week, but that's it. I cover up my performance enhancing drugs by always sucking ass at racing, nobody expects a thing.
At PP50k, $100 said if you lost any more weight, "He'll be out!" You did look pretty scrawny in Dec/Jan.
A few weeks ago I accidentally put on a pair of $100's pants. I told her, "I knew they were yours 'cuz they're kinda loose." She hasn't talked to me much since then.
You should write a book on how to treat the ladies.
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