Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Austin Duathletes

More news from the Austin Duathletes, including info on the next pub run. Show up and make sure this non-drinking kick Panther is on doesn't continue...


"Kill all the accountants."

I'd like to talk about peace and love and how it somehow relates to duathlon and our club, but I recently cut way back on my drinking and did my taxes. So, I'll save all that shiny happy people crap for next time.

In the meantime, I DO have some announcements:

--The next Pub Run is Thursday, March 23rd. DON'T WORRY! We'll stay away from downtown, this time.

--Club jerseys are coming soon! I know I've been saying this for a while, but I'm way behind, what with not drinking and doing my taxes and all.

--RANDOM PLUG OF THE MONTH: THANKS TO KNEADZ! Carmen, Lisa, and Martin will cure what ails ya and hurt you in a good way! Check them out at www.kneadz.com, or call them at 443-6400.

--Here's my monthly plea to REUP your membership or BECOME a member. It's your duty as an American. Dues are only $15 a year, which is less than 5 Starbuck's grande caramel macchiatos.

--Just a reminder that club board positions will be up again, soon. If you're interested in a board position (preferably President), please let me know, so that we can put you on a ballot. I think we're going to add a Secretary position and a few non-board positions, like Editor of our non-existent newsletter, "DUly Noted." The current issue has a fascinating article on how "electronic mail" is going to revolutionize the way we communicate, and there's a cutting-edge interview with Curt Cobain about Nirvana's latest album.

--Austin Duathletes Club Picture Album: I thought it might be nice to have a board where we put up pictures of ourselves, so that we all know who each other is. So, to get us started, I've attached a picture of myself, just after a recent race. I think this was taken right after Freescale. Please send in pictures of you, too, so that we can put them up on the site!

That's all the news that's fit. See you soon!

Phil Carmical
Austin Duathletes

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