Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
txih pics
txih pics
I'm just really happy to have my camera back!
I'm too lazy to post my trash, you'll hafta read other peoples. I did piss on Ass Gagger, and got credit for pissing on BATT, so that was definitely a highlight.
Monday, March 27, 2006
hash article
Until then, go get your fill of hash trash here.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
fourteener plan
Hope to hit all six of the front range 14ers:
Longs Peak 14,255
Grays Peak 14,270
Torreys Peak 14,267
Mount Evans 14,264
Mount Bierstadt 14,060
Pikes Peak 14,110
And of course I'm still planning on doing the peak baggers delight, four summits in one day:
Mount Lincoln 14,286
Mount Cameron 14,238
Mount Bross 14,172
Mount Democrat 14,148
These, along with my trail race and hash schedules, should keep me pretty busy this summer, as well as slowly getting me some mountaineering experience so I can attempt some of the more technical peaks soon.
Having evil thoughts for the super ballbuster at CoTex South Park. Several 14ers are close to that area...
CoTex VIII - South Park!
The area seems pretty sweet for a hash. Located at 10,000 feet and right smack in the middle of the San Juan mountain range, near such trail races as the Leadville 100 miler and the San Juan Solstice 50 miler and close to tons of mountain bike courses. So trails are gonna rock! Plus there are lots of hot springs in the area, which should be fun on a hash weekend.
We still have to actually win the bid, at this year's CoTex in Ruidoso. But I'm not sure of anyone else running. Still, all my loyal readers should sign up so they can come vote for our bid!
CoTex IX - Roswell or South Park?
Your thoughts?
By the way, nice to see all the Austinites rego'd for CoTex. Wankers! Someone from A-town has gotta represent, since the Founder is Pumper Up The Butt! So go here and sign up! Fly into El Paso and rent a car, or catch a ride with the EPH3ers who will be making the trip.
Jungle Pussy
Jungle Pussy
Monday, March 20, 2006
Let it snow!
Not supposed to snow much more this week, but it will remain cold. Checking the extended forecast, the high for Colorado Springs during the TXIH journey is gonna be 55. That's probably what the low temps will be at TXIH!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
A run through time
Anyways, it was one of the most beautiful drives I've ever done. About two hours from the Springs, driving directly into the Rocky Mountains. On the way there we stopped by the Royal Gorge, a ginormous canyon and suspension bridge. I was standing behind a very secure fence but still scared shitless at how deep this canyon was. Great stuff though, and I can't wait to return to take a train ride through it.
We drove into Salida hoping to find a cheap hotel for Fri night, and we stumbled onto some sweet rental cabins, less than $40 a night! Great mountain views, plus it had a liquor store on the property. Went into town for some grub at Amicas Pizza & Microbrewery, yum yum. Try the Porter, it rocked!
Back to the hotel for some college hoops, good and bad to see Bradley upset Kansas. Good, 'cuz Pitt will have an easy time with them. Bad, 'cuz I'd have loved to see them whoop Kansas.
Up and at 'em early the next morning. Rebekah was running her first half marathon, and I was in the marathon, and both started at 9AM. Races were started by a direct descendent of Zebulon Pike, which was pretty cool.
I went into this race thinking it was gonna be pretty easy. Dirt roads, only 26 miles, how bad could it be? Damn, was I in for a surprise.
The first quarter of the race was a steady climb that gained about 2000 feet. The race started around 7500 feet, so oxygen was already pretty scarce. Still, I started slow and was feeling pretty well as the 6.5 mile aid station came and went.
The course continued on the dirt road, but as the altitude got higher the conditions got worse. Lots of snow and ice. I'm sure it would have been a spectacular view of the Rocky Mountains, but they were invisible due to all the storm clouds enveloping them. But that was off in the distance, and here in Salida the sun had came out and warmed everything up. So the ice began to melt, which would make the second half miserable.
Anyways, the run went out to the ghost town of Turrett. Only one road in, very far from civilization. No electricity or running water. No cable TV. Needless to say, nobody lives here in the winter. There was a small aid station at the turnaround, hosted by the local cycling club. Had some homemade chocholate chip and rasin cookies, good stuff!
During the first 13 miles I had been constantly out of breath, been hot, been freezing, slipped on ice, and got my shoes soaked when that ice melted. So yeah, I was having a good time. And I was also keeping a decent pace, hitting the halfway point in about two hours. Thought I'd easily break four hours, as I figured since the first half was all uphill, the second half would be all down hill.
Even kept up a killer pace through the 17 mile aid station. Not only was I sure I was gonna go under four hours, but I thought I might even catch Rebekah. Then the aid station worker told me that the course was a little different, and pointed me off on a rugged jeep road.
That's where the fun really began. The sun had beaten down on this trail all day, and it was muddy as hell. The kind of mud that your shoes would get sucked down a few inches with each step. And the entire stretch was tough, rolling hills. And then, after a few miles on the trail, as if conditions hadn't been weird enough, it started snowing. My pace was suffering, as I had added about five minutes per mile through the shiggy, and I was sucking due to the hard effort and lack of oxygen, but I was having a blast.
With about five miles to go I started worrying about the five hour mark, and how I better get going so as to not have a slower time then High Beams (who ran 4:55 at Austin). Yes, she looks for the most pansy, easy, lame-o, downhill marathons out there and I look for the most difficult mountain runs I can find, but on principle I had to make sure I beat her time. And I was worried for a bit, as the drop from the altitude back to Salida-level was a very technical and long downhill, reminded me a lot of the Hill of Life, but about three miles long. I suck at running that kind of stuff, but I soldiered on. And the last mile was back on a dirt road, so I was able to pick up the pace and finish with a blistering 4:47, nearly a full two hours off my PR, and still well ahead of HB.

So a great run, in shitty conditions, half of it between nine and ten thousand feet. Good times! And Rebekah also kicked ass, finishing her first half marathon in 3:20. About 40 minutes faster than I thought she'd finish. The farthest she's ever run, and it didn't come under easy conditions.
On the drive home we stopped in Canon City to check out the prison museum. Great stuff! Saw the gas chamber, lots of contraband, learned about the high security Super Max prison in CO that houses Tim McVeigh and the Unibomber and a bunch of other questionable folks.
Can't get stupid Blogger to upload photos, so you'll just hafta go here and see 'em for yourself. I'm off to bed, need my rest for tomorrow's tomfoolery with the Denver hash!
See Rebekah's race photos here.
View brownie's race pics here.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Pikes Peak's TXIH schedule...
5:00 PM - Pub crawl along Platte Road; convince MeatGazer not to go home with the guy at Knob Hill Lounge who hasn't showered in three days; convinve brownie not to go home with the Asian bartender at Irish House IV
11:00 AM - Beers at the Thirsty Turtle (SA hash bar)
2:00 PM - Burgers and beers at the Crown & Wanker.
5:45 PM - Hit the beginning of the pub run at Runtex (not a hash event, just a good excuse to drink beer)
6:00 PM - Lovejoy's. May or may not do the entire pub crawl, since Fish is behind it and he'll try to be creative and it'll turn out gay. Will definitely hit LJ's and Mugshot's and maybe some of the Red River dives, then find out where the trail ends.
9:30 AM - 60 minute run on the Barton Creek Greenbelt trails.
Noonish - Head down to Llano. Stops at roadside pubs as needed.
All day - SPLORK! entire Austin hash at least twice; dominate 3Man; run the ballbuster in less than 45 minutes; draw on Ass Gagger with sharpies; tell everyone in a very loud voice that this is the worst TXIH ever; convince Tuck It to play Late Night Drive Thru in our skit entitled, "here's how LNDT broke her arm"; mooch jager off of everyone; throw up on Chlamydia; call Firetunnel every 15 minutes to tell her she's a wanker for bailing on TXIH;
2:00 PM - Chickenshit bingo? Lala's?
Noonish - Lunch at Rebekah's ranch; return to Colorado
Two Austin buddies, Pete and Melissa, came in for a visit. It was great seeing them. Got in quite a few good workouts. On Monday morning we got lost out at Waldo Canyon, ended up running around for over two hours. Great way to start the week! Showed those two a bunch of the trails up here and a bunch of the dive bars.
Found out that MeatGazer will not come to Platte Road to drink. Called her from the Knob Hill Lounge on Wed night, and she said, "oh, I don't drink in that part of town." Which was good that night, since she was with some of her Air Force friends who I don't necessairly think too highly of. And I think it was more of the AF people who wouldn't come to Platte Road. Which is just one of the many reasons I like that part of town! No chain bars either, so all yunz Hooters fans will hafta make the long drive up north if you come to visit.
Pete and Melissa had to bolt last night, so I'm by myself for the Salida Marathon tomorrow. I'm now to the point where running 26.2 miles isn't anything of a big deal anymore, just a quick training run. Of course tomorrow might be a quick training run where I throw up some green beer, but oh well. Rebekah will be trying her first half marathon tomorrow, everyone wish her luck.
Been getting bombarded with all the bracketology bitching about Air Force making the tourney, since the school is about ten miles from my house. As I've said before, I have yet to be impressed with any of the Air Force folks I've met up here, so I hope the Falcons lose big. I'm really, really glad that in case our country needed defended, the Army, Marines, Navy, and Coast Guard would be called before the USAF.
Hmmm...what else. Got Nickel Creek tix, they're coming to Colorado Springs next month. Also off to see the Keller Williams show in less than a month, woohoo! I must say the music scene in the Springs ain't much, but the scene in Denver seems pretty cool.
Time to get some work done before I head out to Salida. Happy St. Pat's day, everyone! Remember, you don't have to be Irish to throw up on St. Patrick's Day!
Monday, March 13, 2006
upset special...
Congrats to the Big East for getting an NCAA record eight teams in the tourney! Pitt as a 5 seed sucks, but I still think they have a few easy games off the bat, could be a good run for the Panthers. Kansas in the second round, woohoo!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Ute Pass/Waldo/Long's Ranch Road
Looking forward to this week, as two trail running buddies of mine, Melissa and Pete, are coming in for some altitude training. Week will cap off with the Salida marathon! Woohoo!
Off to see game three of the Colorado College hockey game tonight. Playoffs, so this game is win or go home.
When Animals Attack
I've had several close calls with dogs, as most runners have. Of course, every time I'm bitten it's always the dog's first time ever doing that...whatever. Anyways, if you have a dog, and have that dog around people, keep control of your fucking mutt!
Made for a great quote though. One of my fellow ICers passed by as I was talking to the dog's owner and said, "screw the mountain lions, it's those minature collies you gotta watch out for!"
5K on St. Pat's Day
Rebekah ran the race, and did pretty well. Just over 31 minutes, a solid MOP performance. Real good for her just moving up here.
Figure I could run about 19 minutes for a 5K nowadays. Not too shabby, but nowhere near the front. So I'll probably just start volunteering for all the 5K and 10Ks around here, since it just doesn't interest me in the least about running that distance anymore. Good way to give back to the running community, which frees my conscience so I can go run the ultra distances without volunteering at those!
the Asians are coming!
Ruv you wrong time
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Tonight is the Big East Championship game, Pitt vs. Syracuse. We beat up on 'cuse pretty badly earlier this season, hopefully we have a repeat performance tonight.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Looks like Temple (I went there for a year) could also make the tourney. They're still alive in the Atlantic 10 shindig after a big upset of George Washington. You gotta love coach John Cheney, who once threatened to kill an opposing coach on live TV. Makes it a great year for PA as Bucknell, Villanova, and Penn are also gonna get in. Maybe someday Duquesne will rise again for a big March Madness run. And hopefully Penn State hoops just continues to suck ass.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Damn YMCA chicks...
So last night I was wearing the shirt at the Y. The chick at the front desk sees the shirt and says, "You got your shirt already?"
"Yeah, I helped them get ready for the race so they gave me one" I replied.
She asks, "But you're running on Saturday, right?"
"No, I'm helping with pre-race stuff and doing the finish chute."
"Oh, so you can't run a 5K?"
OUCH! Damn friggin' YMCA bitches!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Bandera 100 miler!
Been running very well lately. Between workouts with Team CRUD and the Incline Club, I've been working the hills and altitude really hard. Race season is coming up, should be fun. Next weekend Melissa, Pete, and I are doing the Zebulon Pike marathon. Dirt roads, 3800 feet of elevation gain, run out to the ghost town of Turret and turn around. The climbing doesn't seem too bad but Salida is at 8000 feet so the air should be pretty thin.
Also lookin' forward to the start of fourteener season. Was hoping that this recent warm weather would be melting all the ice and snow from the mountains, but it looks like we're gonna get hit with some shitty weather soon. Still, I'll probably summit Pikes fairly soon. Thinking of making an attempt at Long's Peak early next month. Also, once the weather is warmer, wanna take a weekend to do the Lincoln Group (Mts Lincoln, Cameron, Bross, and Democrat), four fourteeners you can knock out on a single hike.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Beggin' For It alive and well...
c/o Jessica Teisher
5F Kwangyoung B/D, #348-135
Sindang 3 - dong
Seoul, South Korea
I don't know, hard to believe any school is called "Wonderland" but I'm not asking any questions.
Austin Duathletes
"Kill all the accountants."
I'd like to talk about peace and love and how it somehow relates to duathlon and our club, but I recently cut way back on my drinking and did my taxes. So, I'll save all that shiny happy people crap for next time.
In the meantime, I DO have some announcements:
--The next Pub Run is Thursday, March 23rd. DON'T WORRY! We'll stay away from downtown, this time.
--Club jerseys are coming soon! I know I've been saying this for a while, but I'm way behind, what with not drinking and doing my taxes and all.
--RANDOM PLUG OF THE MONTH: THANKS TO KNEADZ! Carmen, Lisa, and Martin will cure what ails ya and hurt you in a good way! Check them out at www.kneadz.com, or call them at 443-6400.
--Here's my monthly plea to REUP your membership or BECOME a member. It's your duty as an American. Dues are only $15 a year, which is less than 5 Starbuck's grande caramel macchiatos.
--Just a reminder that club board positions will be up again, soon. If you're interested in a board position (preferably President), please let me know, so that we can put you on a ballot. I think we're going to add a Secretary position and a few non-board positions, like Editor of our non-existent newsletter, "DUly Noted." The current issue has a fascinating article on how "electronic mail" is going to revolutionize the way we communicate, and there's a cutting-edge interview with Curt Cobain about Nirvana's latest album.
--Austin Duathletes Club Picture Album: I thought it might be nice to have a board where we put up pictures of ourselves, so that we all know who each other is. So, to get us started, I've attached a picture of myself, just after a recent race. I think this was taken right after Freescale. Please send in pictures of you, too, so that we can put them up on the site!
That's all the news that's fit. See you soon!
Phil Carmical
Austin Duathletes
Monday, March 06, 2006
on-on to Texas Interhash!

Got airline tix for TXIH today! Woohoo! Austin has big shoes to fill as last year's TXIH was unbelievable!
Arriving in San Antonio at 9AM on Thurs, March 23. Heading immediately to Austin! Not leaving 'till Monday at 7PM.
Banana Cream Pie still has an apartment on campus. It's empty, but if folks bring sleeping bags they are welcome to crash there.

Sunday, March 05, 2006
Barr Camp and beyond...
Last time I ran to Barr Camp, two hours wouldn't have gotten me there. It took me about 2:05 or so, and it was painful. I must be getting used to the altitude however, as I was able to hit the Camp at 1:45 today! And in fact, I didn't stop. I contunued on another mile up the trail, to the Bottomless Pitt. Trail got very icy above 10,000 feet, and the lack of oxygen was making me dizzy. Hence, I was hurtin' pretty bad. I even took a five minute break at the Pit, trying to catch my breath, but in the low O2 I felt like I was slowly drowning. I went back down to Barr Camp for some water and some home made cookies, and then contunued back to Manitou.
Even with the five minute break at the Pit, and a ten minute break at Barr Camp, I still made it down in 1:45, a pretty good negative split for me as I'm a shitty downhill runner.
I did gain a new respect for all the Austinites who do the Ascent/Marathon/Double. This was a great workout, a combined long run with a near-race effort, much of it up hill in the altitude. The kind of workout that'll get me up Pikes quickly on race day. And the kind of workout you just can't do in Austin. So kudos to all the Austinites who had the balls to sign up!

My good deed for the year accomplished, it was off to the Cheyanne Canyon Zoo! Pretty cool place! Got to pet some giraffes, saw a Pitt Panther, some tigers, some big snakes. The zoo recently had a gorilla give birth, and the mother had rejected the baby. So a human zookeeper stays with the baby gorilla

Another highlight was the hippo cage. We arrived just as a zookeeper was gonna brush their teeth. Hippos are like a lot of women I've slept with, enormously fat with bad oral hygiene!

After the zoo, it was off to Cheyanne Canyon for a quick hike up Helen Hunt falls. Great trail system at this park. This is where I do my Thurs hill workouts with CRUD, and there are still tons of trails I haven't explored. Helen Hunt wasn't too bad a hike, but it was some beautiful scenery. And no, these trails aren't named for that Helen Hunt.
So after a dinner at a local pizza joint, Rebekah and I decide to try to catch the mountain film festival over in Manitou Springs. Call MeatGazer, but of course she's too lame to do anything. We hurry over to Manitou only to find out the festival is sold out. Bummer. Oh well, off to Kinfolk's for some beers and singer/songwriter Tiffany Kimble. A little mellow for me, but a pretty talented chick.
After that, it was one last stop, at the Triple Nickel! $5.55 pitchers of PBR, yummy!
Anyways, a great, great, great way to spend a Saturday! Yunz can view the zoo/hike pics here.
Friday, March 03, 2006
PBR night joke
What do you get when you stick a fork in a fetus?
An erection!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Ass Gagger...
Pikes rego stats
And, of course, 5 Austin hashers and 2 AH3 alumni!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
all the cool people are doing it!
Nicole (Ascent)
Rebekah (Ascent)
Tiffany (Ascent)
Emily (Marathon!)
Evan (Ascent)
Abe (Double!)
Steph (Ascent)
Lovebite (Ascent)
Anyone else? TJ? Brandon? Raf?
There's only three things you need to know about training for this race in Austin:
1. Hill of Life repeats
2. Hill of Life repeats
3. Hill of Life repeats
Everything else is just Sisson trying to make you think you got a deal for signing up for his training group!