Thursday, September 05, 2024

let's play two!

Back from the road trip only to catch a flight to Chicago for two more nights of Pearl Jam at Wrigley Field!  It was my first time to Wrigley and I didn't even have to watch the shitty Cubs.

Explored Wrigleyville, did some running and rucking on the lakefront, drank too much Malort, and checked out a few breweries.  Great trip.  The liver is begging for mercy and now it's time to return to a much more healthy PJ habit - listening to their shows during long runs.

1 comment:

MikeH said...

One shot of Malort is too much! But Old Style is my favorite cheap beer, wish we could get it out here. I have a light-up sign in my basement, much like most country bars in southern Wisconsin.