Thursday, May 28, 2015


Computer has been on the fritz, so a little less blogging than usual.  Ordered a new one and it will arrive today, just in time for me to toss it in the corner so I can go drink beers and ride bikes.

Assuming I don't wreck at the Grand Junction Off Road, I'll hit 200 miles running and 300 miles biking this month.  I like that combo and I'll keep it during the summer months, as it allows me to get into decent shape without wrecking my body.  Been running mostly roads due to the messy trails, but it's time to start getting in some climbing if a sub three at Pikes is going to be possible.

Went camping down at Lake Pueblo over the holiday weekend.  Nice to see the sun again.  Got in a good 40 mile ride on the trails down there, and drank a bottle of Stranahan's and a ton of beer with $100 and some friends.  Good times!  Days two and three of the Semi-Rad camping challenge.

I'll end the month with 12 bike commutes to work, 53 total on the year.

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