Just got this bit in an e-mail from the Pleasant Valley Neighborhood Association:
"I assume that most of you know and have heard about this over the news, but in case you haven't, I'd like to make you aware of some recent crimes nearby. There have been several crimes committed in the past couple of weeks in the shopping center at 31st and West Colorado, near Kentucky Fried Chicken and Papa Murphy's. Both were in the evening. A man was hit with a baseball bat and robbed at 9 p.m. one night behind Kentucky Fried Chicken. The news stated that they expected the victim "to survive." Papa Murphy's was robbed several nights ago as well. Please, please be very cautious and aware in this shopping center as there appear to be a number of homeless folks always around that shopping center. Hopefully, the police and local businesses are doing something to help increase security around there."
That's Red Rock Lounge country! Totally coincidence that NMP visited there one night and woke up the next morning with broken bones and no cash.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Seven steps on the CityRock slackline over lunch, a new PR. The seventh step was as I was falling off the rope, but I'm going to count it anyways. Crushed my old PR of five steps.
Been hitting the climbing gym pretty hard, getting a lot stronger/better. Hope to finally get outside once the summer gets here.
Signed up for the Quad Rock 50.
Been hitting the climbing gym pretty hard, getting a lot stronger/better. Hope to finally get outside once the summer gets here.
Signed up for the Quad Rock 50.
Legs were trashed from the Monday long run, so today's track workout wasn't much. 1.25 mile warm up, 4 x 400m with 200m RBI, then 2 x 800m with 400m RBI, 1.25 mile cool down. Didn't time the intervals since I knew they'd be horrible. Probably running close to 6:30 pace for the fast parts, it was all I could muster today.
Pretty sure the Incline tonight isn't going to be pretty. Might have to conveniently forget the watch.
This article suggests Ryan Hall might take a stab at the R2R2R someday. I bet he skips the Tecate at Phantom Ranch. Pussy.
Pretty sure the Incline tonight isn't going to be pretty. Might have to conveniently forget the watch.
This article suggests Ryan Hall might take a stab at the R2R2R someday. I bet he skips the Tecate at Phantom Ranch. Pussy.
Monday, January 30, 2012
more runs
Decent back-to-back long runs.
Sunday - Incline Club. Ute Pass trail, then the long slog up Longs Ranch Road. Walked most of it, have lots of work to do before July. 12 miles, three hours. Ran the last mile with Justin R (who was walking so he could ask me about my latest meal at Bingo Burger) and Peter M (who was doing burpees so he could keep his Inov-8 sponsorship).
Monday - solid 20 miles. Nice road/trail loop from my house through Bear Creek Park, Santa Fe trail, Sinton trail, and the Garden. Three hours. Lots of climbing. Best workout I've had in a while.
Skipped the gym tonight to drink and watch Pitt win at WVU. Definitely worth it.
Sunday - Incline Club. Ute Pass trail, then the long slog up Longs Ranch Road. Walked most of it, have lots of work to do before July. 12 miles, three hours. Ran the last mile with Justin R (who was walking so he could ask me about my latest meal at Bingo Burger) and Peter M (who was doing burpees so he could keep his Inov-8 sponsorship).
Monday - solid 20 miles. Nice road/trail loop from my house through Bear Creek Park, Santa Fe trail, Sinton trail, and the Garden. Three hours. Lots of climbing. Best workout I've had in a while.
Skipped the gym tonight to drink and watch Pitt win at WVU. Definitely worth it.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
commute #4
Still current with my resolution to go truck-less at least once a week. Easy five to work, 48 minutes flat. Also keeping up with my goal of taking one rest day a week in '12. Took off Wednesday so I could get fat at Bingo Burger.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The yellow beer blog was named one of the top 100 running blogs! You can go see the graphic thing that proves our awesomeness!
Everyone drink a yellow beer tonight to celebrate!
Everyone drink a yellow beer tonight to celebrate!
it's on like Donkey Kong...
Watched a very motivational documentary last night. Made me realize I don't take this running thing seriously and I need to step it up. Neither $100 nor the dog has said a word to me since I made them sit through the entire thing.
The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. Available on Netflix. Watch it next time you're feeling like a loser, you'll feel a lot better about yourself.
The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. Available on Netflix. Watch it next time you're feeling like a loser, you'll feel a lot better about yourself.
Nice morning jog up Cheyenne Canon. Got to the top in 43:30, another season PR. Had a nasty fall on the way down. My knee is pretty jacked, lots of blood, but unfortunately one of my favorite pairs of running pants did not make it down off the hill. Guess it's shorts weather from here on out.
8.2 miles, 1:20:12.
Stole this off a facebook page. Kissing Camels, over in the Garden about two miles from my front porch.
8.2 miles, 1:20:12.
Stole this off a facebook page. Kissing Camels, over in the Garden about two miles from my front porch.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
back at it
Inside Trail has it's own tech support team. Boom. They better not have deleted the post where I crushed Footfeathers at Collegiate Peaks though.
Amanda and I are working on another bet for Salida. Details TBA shortly, but when she loses she will have to wear one of these shirts:
6 x 800m, 400m RBI with the Sunrise Striders this morning. Easy effort, averaged 2:55 per half.
Good sticker talk over at GZ's blog today.
Amanda and I are working on another bet for Salida. Details TBA shortly, but when she loses she will have to wear one of these shirts:
6 x 800m, 400m RBI with the Sunrise Striders this morning. Easy effort, averaged 2:55 per half.
Good sticker talk over at GZ's blog today.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Hit the wrong button and fucked something up on the blog. Hopefully I can fix it this weekend.
Frosty's pics
Here's me, pushing hard in the five miler. PG is about a mile behind me at this point. I'd have really good form if I were a speedwalker.

And here's me in the ten miler, taking things easy and enjoying the scenery.

$50 for a digital download of all eight pics of me. Two of the pics of me are actually pics of #732. Both races ran me $50. The running photography thing is getting out of hand.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
One good race, one sub-par race at Frosty's Frozen 5 & 10.
Five miler went well. Wanted to run 32:30. First mile just off PG's shoulder in 6:42. I think it was PG's one mile PR. Went through two miles in 13 flat and he was gone. Nice tempo effort to the finish, crossing in 32:07.
Then this:

We showed up to the start of the ten miler about 60 seconds after the race started, so the three of us were actually DFL for about 200 meters or so. PG was able to jump off the road and get past the main pack but I held back, and that pretty much ended any chance I had of running well. Took me 9:20 to hit mile one, 17 minutes to get to mile two. Real hard to pass once we got on the hike-and-bike trail. Halfway in just under 40 minutes, then took it easy on the way back. Officially 1:18:53. I think PG ended up beating me by two hours or some crazy ass thumping like that.
Overall a pretty good day, the five miler was a great tempo run and the ten miler was still a lot faster than I would have ran on my own back in the Springs.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012
Cheyenne Canon
Cheyenne Canon hill climb. Just don't have anything to give uphill right now. Felt weak, but still hit the top of high drive in 45:30, not horrible for me and much better than two weeks ago when I ran a guesstimate 52 flat, and the guess was because I bailed on the run with a mile to go.
New race in Cheyenne Canon park, beta is over here. Unfortunately I won't be around to defend my backyard, as I'll be in Kansas at the Free State 100K. Last time I raced in the Canon, I crushed an elite, sponsored runner.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
commute #3
Easy run to work, third consecutive week of at least one non-truck day. 8.5 miles, 1:15.
Thinking of going on tour with Larry & His Flask when they roll through Colorado. Not quite like quitting my job to follow Phish around for a summer or anything, but it could be a pretty epic bender.
March 29 - Aggie Theater, Fort Collins
March 30 - Bluebird, Colfax Ave
March 31 - Bluebird, Colfax Ave
April 1 - Black Sheep, Colo Springs
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
debt free

Paid Nick off earlier in the weekend, finally, from the ass whooping he gave me at Salida.
Think I'm all caught up on the bets now.
19F at 5AM. Thankfully the Fat Ass was Saturday and not today.
Easy track workout with Andy W. 1.5 mile warm up, 4 x 1000m (3:57, :47, :44, :46) with 400m RBI. Then 4 x 200m for good measure. Not killing myself on the track right now, but it's nice to get out and spin the legs a bit.
Good e-mail thread earlier, so I'll throw out this question of the day:
Would you rather perform well in a major marathon and crap your pants, or finish DFL in that marathon?

Monday, January 16, 2012
Awesome run on the local hike and bike trails this morning. Two hours, 14.2 miles. Loving this warm weather!
fat ass
Great times at the Ponderous Posterior. Thanks to everyone who came out. Bunch of photos from Steve P can be seen here.
Drop bags will be on my back porch, stop by and pick 'em up when you can. If you're from out of town, let me know and I'll arrange a pick up. I'll be in Denver on Saturday if I need to cart any bags up north.
Day went pretty smooth. We will definitely have much more water at the aid station next time. And lots of people seemed to miss the turn off from Rampart Range Road down to the Garden. It was heavily marked with flour and tape, but maybe something bigger will be in order for next year.
I had a good run. 8:40, with lots of time spent goofing off on Red Mountain, the Incline, and the Waldo aid station. First run over 3.5 hours in months. Nice to get such a good slog in during January.
The run was small potatoes compared with the pub crawl that followed. Red Rock Lounge, Benny's, Southside Johnny's, Oscar's, Red Rock Lounge. Very impressed with all the local runners who were able to close down the Lounge with me.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Pikes Peak Brewing Co.
The Brits Are Back! British mild from PPBC.
It's Nick's beer from our NOLA/Salida bet, hopefully it survives all the runners crashing at the house tonight...
Incline with the dog last night. The Incline and the connector trail that leads over to the yellow sign on Barr Trail are pretty clear, no traction needed. So it's looking like you won't need any yaktrax for the first 13 or so miles, and I'm pretty sure the final six or so miles will be clear. I'll get word on the rest of the course today.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Intemann/Red Mountain
Had to drop $100 at the airport this morning (she'll be swigging PBR at the Paradise Lounge while we're out suffering at the Fat Ass) so I didn't have much time to run before work. Took the dog for a quick run up Red Mountain. Trails are in much better shape than I expected, should be really good by Saturday morning. 3.3 miles in 40 minutes.
Will report on the conditions of the Incline later tonight.
Rough time to be a Pittsburgh fan. Of course the Steelers loss. The Penguins have dropped six straight. The usually solid Pitt hoops squad is really awful, scoring 39 points against Rutgers yesterday to go to 0-4 in the Big East, alone in last place. Pitt football was crushed in the BBVA Compass bowl, a nice kick in the balls after the Todd Graham fiasco. You know times are tough when the only hope you have as a sports fan is that Pirates spring training opens soon.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
hottie trials runners

Brandon and I are working on our own version of Unbreakable. It's 85 minutes of watching Jenn run, then Tony wins the race.
Of course, there will be no mention of hot chick runners on this blog without some Kara shots. She is going to run 2:14 this weekend, you heard it here first.
miles and ice cream
Tues PM - Incline with $100 and the dog. Untimed. Great conditions, though it seems to be snowing over there right now.
Wed AM - Run to work. 5.5 miles, 54 minutes.
Carpenter made the front page of the Gazette today. Read the article here. During the summer I often end my long runs at Kinfolk's, then hit Colorado Custard for an Avalanche (their version of DQ's Blizzard). This should end all talk of custard being some kind of performance enhancer, since I ate a ton of the stuff and still sucked ass.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
The Sunrise Striders were doing a work-unfriendly run in Cheyenne Mountain State Park this morning, so Andy W and I hit the CC track.
One mile warm up, 4 x 1000m with 400m RBI, 4 x 200m with 200m RBI, one mile cool down. 4:49, 42, 41, 44 for the thousands. First time back to the track in a while, so I took it pretty easy. Like this workout A LOT better than the 4 x 1600m I used to do.
Fat Ass has 8,804 feet of climbing.
Headed out on Saturday night to celebrate Amanda's 40th birthday. If any out of towners want to join us, you are welcome to crash at my place, though it will be on the floor as all the beds are spoken for. If you come, be sure to ask Amanda who won our battle on Pikes this year.
Monday, January 09, 2012
Fat Ass
Yellow route is the 50K route, and includes an out and back up Red Mountain. The Red Mountain route will not be marked, but it's quite obvious.
The white route is the shortcut. Skip the Incline and take the Ute Indian trail over to Waldo Canyon. 26.75 miles.
AM - Easy three mile dog jog, 30 minutes. Woof.
PPRR Full Moon Run tonight. Beckers baseball field in Manitou. 7PM.
1st place male and female in the 50k will receive a $10 gift card to PF Chang's. I think this makes us the most lucrative of the Front Range Fat Ass series. Word on the street has Galen Rupp showing up, since he's bailed on the olympic marathon trials. If he wears his ninja mask he has to be considered the favorite.
long runs
Good weekend on the trails. Still out of shape after the time off, but things are at least moving in the right direction.
Saturday - two hours (11 miles) on the Garden and Red Rock Canyon trails.
Sunday - three hours (14 miles) with Andy W marking the Intemann route for the upcoming PP Fat Ass.
Info for the fat ass will go out today. 7, 8, and 9AM start.
Saturday - two hours (11 miles) on the Garden and Red Rock Canyon trails.
Sunday - three hours (14 miles) with Andy W marking the Intemann route for the upcoming PP Fat Ass.
Info for the fat ass will go out today. 7, 8, and 9AM start.
Friday, January 06, 2012
Incline happy hour
Thursday night, easy Incline with the dog. 45 minutes up, then FOREVER to get back down as we got stuck behind a search & rescue operation.
Rest day today. Weights this morning, hot yoga after work.
Signed up for the Frosty's Frozen Five & Ten. PG will be there. While ultrasignup says he's a 10% better runner than I am (he should beat me by a full mile in the ten miler, right?), we'll see how he handles himself on the roads.
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Salida Marathon
Cheyenne Canon
Back over to the Canon for the weekly CRUD hill climb. 38 minutes to the gate at High Drive, where I had to turn around so I could get to work on time (not because I was slow and felt like I was going to lose a lung). That roughly equals 51 minutes to the top of High Drive. Would like to get under 40 this year, so I have some work to do.
Been updating my other blogs a little more recently, thanks to my iPhone. Most of you will prefer the Pikes blog to the shitter blog. The new 100 beers/100 places blog is turning out pretty nice as well.
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
run to work
One of my 2012 resolutions is to leave the truck at home at least once a week. Reduce the commute bill by 20%. Week #1 down, easy run to work, 5.5 miles in 53 minutes. Even dropped off the interweb bill on the way.
Brandon was talking some smack earlier, so I decided last night I would return to Leadville to kick his ass once again. But the race is sold out, so the Ascent is back on the schedule. You can tell ultrarunning has gone mainstream, Pb has a whopping 850 runners signed up. FYI, I rego'd for NYC about an hour after sign up opened, and over 88000 people had already threw down $11 for the lottery.
Incline happy hour now happens twice a week. Tuesday and Thursday. Going to take the next month or two of crappy weather to get back into climbing shape, then I think I'll look to take down my Incline PR (28:26). That PR is from the shed at the very bottom of the Incline. Not the first railroad tie, or the parking lot cheater trail, or the no trespassing sign, or wherever the folks with Incline PR's of 24 minutes and 5K PR's of 25 minutes start.
I had been on a hiatus from the Incline, Tuesday night was my first trip up the steps in over a month. And I could tell. 44 minutes to the top. Ouch. Very easy on the way down.
When $100, the dog, and I left Kinfolk's at 8:30PM, it was still 45F in Manitou. Spring is here! FYI, all pints at Kinfolk's are $3 on Tuesday (quite a few micros on tap). Good deal, but PBR bottles are only $2.50.
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
back at it
November was a lot of fun. I was still hammering, getting ready for Vegas. Most of the ultra guys were taking a break. So I got to crush some of the guys I normally finish far behind on race day.
But since I took December off, and everyone else was training hard, the shoe is now on the other foot. And it sucks.
Mon - 8.7 miles, two hours. Red Rock Canyon to the top of Section 16. Had to walk the entire climb up Section 16. It's something I normally run with the dog without thinking.
Tues - 6 miles, 52 minutes. Sunrise Striders. With a short tempo run in Bear Creek Park. Some of the homeless guys on the Santa Fe trail were making fun of how slow I was going.
It sucks, but I should be back to normal by February.
Marking the Intemann section of the Fat Ass on Sunday. Meet me at the Incline Club if you wanna join me.
Monday, January 02, 2012
Ended 2011 and started 2012 with some racing.
Headed down to Pueblo on Saturday for the Raptor Resolution Run 5 miler. Pretty cool place. I ran the race while $100 took the dog for a hike. Two person race right off the bat, unfortunately the other guy was much faster. I took the lead just after one mile and held it to mile three, but Paul K is just a faster runner so he dropped me over the final two miles. Had gone in wanting a 32:30 and ended up with a 32:35. Not too shabby with the heinous wind. Also won a year membership to the Nature and Raptor Center. Stopped at Bingo Burger and Shamrock Brewing before heading home.
Sunday was the annual Rescue Run. I was hungover as all get out, so I figured it was better to suffer through a hard 5K than run a 60+ minute 10K. Volunteered at pre-registration so I got no warm up in, then struggled to a 20:47. Can't believe I didn't barf out there.
Looking to become the Bernie B of the middle of the pack in 2012. Next race is Saturday at the monthly Nielsen Challenge. 2.5 hour run on the Santa Fe trail, then 2 miles all out.
Ended 2011 with 3010 miles. Very easy December, with only 123 miles on the month, including two weeks of no running at all.
Ready to get back at it. Hardrock or bust!
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Humphreys Peak/Grand Canyon/Zion/Bryce/Moab
$100 and I sat down and hashed out the beta for the 2012 Grand Canyon trip. Should be pretty epic. Headed down there the last week of September.
Fri - leave after work for camping at Taos.
Sat - drive to Flagstaff.
Sun AM - hike Humphreys Peak
Sun PM - drive to/camp at Hualapai Hilltop trailhead
Mon, Tues, Wed - explore Havasu Canyon. Basically, do what this guy did, only at a slower pace.
Wed - Head to Springdale, UT. Through Vegas, hitting the Double Down Saloon and Dino's. Dinner at the Flying Monkey.
Thurs - Zion Subway
Fri - Bryce Canyon Under the Rim Trail
Sat, Sun - Moab
September can't get here fast enough!
how not to finish a race
You don't want to be anywhere near a South CRUD guy towards the end of a race. Check out Brandon S's finishing kick at Boston:
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