Monday, September 17, 2007

texas injury #1

Somehow I managed to fuck up my right shoulder over the weekend. Would like to say I did it doing something cool, but the only thing I can think of is that I passed out on the cement walkway just outside my friends apartment after drinking my face off Saturday night. Must have slept on it wrong or something, now it hurts like hell. Can barely move my arm or else pain shoots through the shoulder.


Lick My Lincoln said...

Drink for hurting your vuh-jay-jay!

Gagger said...

You slept outside all night. Riiiiight.

What? You didn't have any luggage for her to throw in the middle of the street, so she threw you on the sidewalk?! Hahahaha.

Happy Sock said...

You're getting old, Brownie....old, I say...

Lulu said...

Drink for whining.

aka Moogy said...

no sex for you tonight