Ended up 11th out of 83 finishers at the winter series eight miler. Had a bunch of Air Force Academy guys there, and I whooped 'em all, as well as a ton of high school cross country runners. Pretty happy with my race, especially the huge negative split I pulled off. Knee is still a bit sore from the fall but I don't think it's anything serious.
Start time: 10:15AM
Distance: 8.0 miles - south Fountain Creek
Time: 54:44
Pace: 6:50 per mile
Weather: Cloudy, temps in the mid 20s with light snow showers, and light wind; icy trail
Let me know who all is interested. Expect the mugs to run about $30. First ten hot, single harriettes to order one will get a free dirty sanchez from the current CKH3 GM!
OK, so I should have posted this blog last week, but the New Monsoon show was awesome! Lincoln, you're a total fag for bailing on this, I doubt you'll get to see a show this good while you're living in the Springs. Not quite as good as the time I saw 'em after the MOFRO/Galactic show at Stubb's, but I can't ask for a better show at the Black Sheep.
Rest of the pics can be seen here.
Beautiful way to start the new year at Palmer Park this morning! I screwed up and took a wrong turn, ended up doing the 5K instead of the planned 10K. Whoops. Didn't run too bad, and my feared lack of speed isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I ran 22:11, which sounds slow but due to all the ice and the hills, and the fact that I thought I was doing a 10K for the first two miles, the time isn't too slow. In fact, I'll be looking to go sub-20 in two weeks at the Cross Country Caper.
Had quite a few hashers show up, below are Chucky Cheeks, All Nighter, and Bloody Z.
Distance: 3.1 miles through the icy roads of Palmer Park
Time: 22:11
Pace: 7:09 per mile (first mile, up an icy hill, was 7:40)
Weather: 40F, clear skies, windy