Thursday, December 21, 2006

not afraid to whoop a gal's arse!

Late Nite thought she could kick my ass too...until I broke her arm! To add insult to injury I even stole her sling afterwards.


Gagger said...

As if! Late Nite was mugged. Can't believe you are trying to take credit for beating up a chick.

You are so lame. :-p

Late Nite Drive Thru said...

Brownie, you big liar! it took 3 guys trying to mug me to take me down! and see if I let you borrow my sling next time just because you're whining!

Lulu said...

I love it when the truth comes out.

brownie said...

Yeah sure, Late Nite, and you really "passed out" in front of the porta-shitters too, that certainly wasn't because I decked you and left you for the bears.

Anonymous said...

You've stooped to a new low, Brownie.

You are one sad sack...

Impala Mama said...

What the hell, did you really get mugged Late Night? I've got some buddies (non-lady beaters...) if you need some revenge pulled...

Anonymous said...

That's my wife! Yeah sweetie, let's get 'em!

Pimp Doggie Dawg said...

i think he needed the sling to try and keep his wrist staight so he did not look like such a fag--guess it was worth the try

end of feb, houston's 1500 weekend to be held in an old elementary school

Barbara said...

passing out at the portolet by noon is pure hash classic. I still can't believe NO ONE took a damn photo...

Smut Mutt said...

I see 3/4 of a glass of beer still in your hand... Hers is empty and on the table (not in the picture). Yet another girl beat Brownie in a drinking contest.