Friday, July 21, 2006

for Smut...

Aww, puppy dogs! Chicks love puppy dogs, right?

Anyways, these two poor dogs are now at the center of a huge controversy in the Springs. The far left fringe and the far right fringe are up in arms, and the amount of noise those two groups are making causes the politicians to play along. Meanwhile, the middle 98% of us are left to wonder, "aren't there more important things to worry about?"

The left and right links are pretty funny. Especially since the big gay football player is named Dan and resembles Chlamydia. Coincidence?


Gaslight ;-) said...

I like how the "far right" beagle is cynically squinting his left eye. So which way will the election go?


Word verification acronym;

I still try my liquor,(or licker).

Smut Mutt said...

I'm confused Brownie. Do you want to marry a dog or a dude?

brownie said...

I've slept with some dogs, most recently Ticket's mom, but I'm not interested in marriage.

BRAE said...

Maybe dogs don't moo, but they sure as hell will hump anything they come across. So if it is ok for a dog then I guess it should be ok for people too?!?!?

Chlamydia said...

Sprinkles, this post sounds suspiciously like you want to marry a dog?? Not to dash your hopes or anything but --not even in Boulder.