Wednesday, August 28, 2024

road trip

Awesome trip.  Lander, Jackson, Alpine, Borah, Missoula, Three Forks, Ten Sleep, COS.

Wasn't quite all drinking.  Had a solid push up Borah Peak in Idaho.  Great, though steep, hike with lots of scrambling.  Took me almost six hours, only taking a break to chug a Red Leg Hazy IPA on top.  Borah was my 27th state highpoint.  I thought Idaho only had potatoes but they have some good looking mountains too.

Then it was off to Missoula.  They have a fantastic dog park with a river running through it, and that was our first stop.

And then it was time for the greatest and best band in the world.  An incredible show in an incredible place, so glad we were able to pull this one off.

The boys still have it, that's for sure.

We spend the next day in Missoula, hiking the dog all over and visiting some dive bars and breweries.  Then we started the long drive home, staying a few hours away at Bridger Brewing in Three Forks, MT, and then heading down to Ten Sleep Brewing for the next night.

$100 and I represented.

The last day was a bit of a bummer as we got word that our good friend Moose was not doing well and we had to push the eight hour drive home to see him one last time.  Lots of good times over the years with that pup.  Rest in peace buddy!

Monday, August 12, 2024


Not the most productive week.  Couple of visitors and we dogsat Moose and Millie.  Time to get my ass back in gear for Pikes.

Got in some good SAR training on Sunday over on Iron Mountain.

For the week:

run - 24 miles, four hours

ride - 22 miles, two hours

hike - 18 miles, 8.5 hours

Monday, August 05, 2024

BroCos and Foos

Making the most of a recovery week.  On Friday we were joined by the Garcia's for the Brothers Comatose over at Lulu's.  Great show.  Even got a Scout (the song our current van is named after) down in the crowd.

Hung with the SAR dogs on Saturday and then it was off to the big city to catch the Foo Fighters.  Our seats were so high up we had to watch out for the airplanes heading out to DIA but it was a fantastic show and we had a blast.  

Somehow we managed to get up early on Sunday for a Colfax ruck.

$100 gave me the green light to take a chunk out of my 50 states goal and I'm now signed up for the Detroit, Rocket City (Huntsville, AL), Mississippi Blues (Jackson), and Eugene marathons.  Plus Pikes, Salida, and Colfax.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Creede 100

Had been signed up for the Creede 100 for a while but wasn't sure I'd show up for it.  I did, and it went well, and I got a hard fought finish.  Super difficult, 49 started and 14 finished.  Incredibly beautiful and tough course.  No pacers.  Ended up being 109 miles.  Finished in just under 36 hours.

Highly recommend the Sunnyside Bar in Creede.  I showered there after the race and they thought it was awesome I took a tallboy of Hamm's in there with me.