Thursday, November 30, 2006
the first present...
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
run #6 and Colorado wine #2
Start time: 6:20PM
Distance: 4.75 miles (Knob Hill - north)
Time: 38:49
Pace: 8:10 per mile
Weather: 13F, "feels like" -2F!
Time to reward my effort with a bottle of wine! Tonight is a bottle of "cherries 'n honey" from the Meadery of the Rockies out of Palisade, CO. Cool quote on the side: "To the Norse, Mead was the drink of the gods, to the English, the drink of kings. To you, the drink of the enlightened."
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
run #5
Start time: 5:20AM
Distance: 4.75 miles (Knob Hill - North)
Time: 39:08
Pace: 8:14 per mile
Weather: clear skies, 41F, "feels like" temp of 33F. To the point now where it stays dark the entire duration of my early morning runs.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Great news!
no respect...
Should be able to keep the ranking too, with such cupcakes as Auburn and Wisconsin coming up.
turkey bowl

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Leadville week #1
Total distance: 14.25 miles
Total time: 1:49:35
Average pace: 7:41 per mile
Not a bad week considering I had been awfully lazy for the past month. Should be another low mileage week since I gotta play Air Force this weekend, but after that things should get interesting as I'll hit the IC for three weekends in a row.
Run #4 - Incline Club kick off!

"We train hard because there are two ways to get fast... We haven’t found the other!"
First IC run of the season today! Woohoo! My enthusiasm was immediately beaten down by the Ute Pass Trail though, sheesh that's a tough run.
My goal was to run out an hour and then turn around, which was a pretty tall order considering my recent layoff. Figured in that hour I would make it the 4.3 miles to the end of the Ute Pass.
Ended up doing a bit better than I thought. Hit the end of Ute Pass in under 50 minutes and was able to run a good distance into Waldo Canyon. Ran out for 61 minutes, and made the return trip in 57 minutes (it's a bit easier on the way back) for a total time of 1:58:30. Felt really good, and I even thought of doing the entire canyon with Melissa, but I didn't want to push so hard so early in the season.
Start time: 8:10AM
Distance: approx. 11 miles
Time: 1:58:30
Pace: 10:46 per mile (sounds slow, but the Ute Pass ain't no easy run)
Weather: clear skies, 35F, "feels like" temp of 29F. Though it did warm up considerably during the run.
Ended the run with a bacon cheeseburger from the Purple Castle, yum yum!
turkey bowl

I'll do a more complete write up of the turkey bowl, which was dominated by the Kimchi hash, after I get home from the Denver hash. Until then, the pics are here.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Saturday is a hashing day!
chillin' with the CKH3

Stole this pic from NASCOCK. From last night's Kimchi happy hour at Arctic Brewery. Wonder if there's anything the owners won't let us get away with there?
For you wanna-be bounty hunters out there, MILF has paid his fine and is no longer wanted by the law in Texas. Odds are 2-1 he'll be arrested at TexMex though.
Run #3
Start time: 8:20AM
Distance: 4.7 miles (Knob Hill - South)
Time: 34:19 (current KHS course record!)
Pace: 7:18 per mile
Weather: clear skies, 40F, "feels like" 35F
Texas tribute: shortly after the corner of Platte and Union, there was an empty bottle of Shiner Bock sitting in the sidewalk!
Friday, November 24, 2006
two more!
The climbs were my 21st and 22nd summit of a named peak since I moved to Colorado.
Was hoping to get some good pics of Pikes Peak for my other blog, but Mt. Rosa (which I plan to climb soon) was in the way the entire time.
Did get a good poke in the eye from a branch just before topping San Luis. I was scared for a minute, I felt the branch hit my eyeball (that was gross) and it hurt like hell so I thought I punctured it. Ended up just losing a contact lens, which screwed up my depth perception and made for a much interesting hike back down the mountain.
Pics are here.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Run #2
Start time: 6AM
Distance: 4.75 miles (Knob Hill - North)
Time: 37:35
Pace: 7:54 per mile
Weather: 48F, "feels like" 44F
Tomorrow morning it's off to the Briargate YMCA to help run the finish line at the Turkey Trot 5K. First non-Iraq Thanksgiving day I've not run some kind of race since I was in high school. Good luck to all those Austinites doing the Turkey Trot 5 miler (where I hold my PR, 29:27, despite several Wild Turkey shots before the race), my dad doing the Newport Moose 10K, and of course all those doing the mother of all races, the Berwick Run for the Diamonds.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
more Palo Duro
Run #1
Distance: 4.7 miles
Time: 37:41
Weather: mostly clear, 30F, "feels like" temp of 24F.
Wardrobe Malfunction: didn't notice my sweatpants came untied until they were around my knees. Don't get too hot and bothered ladies (and Smut), I had shorts on underneath.
Coach Bell would shit his pants if he knew I ran the 4.7 loop so slow. Quick math tells me that's somewhere about 7:55 per mile, not too horrible for taking time off. Could definitely feel the loss of fitness on the second half of the run though.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Full Sail Wassail and Roadkill Red

Bought some of the Full Sail Brewing Company (out of Hood River, OR) winter ale, Wassail. Getting lots of winter brews into Crown liquor now, and I normally don't like 'em. No difference with the Wassail, which was way too hoppy for my tastes. However, it is a pretty decent seller, so if the winter beers are something you enjoy you might wanna try this.
Also tried my first bottle of non-ghetto wine, Roadkill Red from the Colorado Cellars Winery in Grand Junction, CO. No picture available as I left the bottle at a chick's house. Pretty good wine, I certainly wouldn't mind drinking it again, though it was a bit too sweet for something I'd like to get hammered on. I'm not one to describe wine, so I snagged this off the internet: "Unique, semi-sweet, light red with raspberry overtones. Serve slightly chilled with simple, casual meals or with hamburgers, or fried chicken." And at a steep $12 a bottle, it's over six times as expensive as what I usually pay for wine!
as bad as this season has been...
Pittsburgh 24
cleveland 20
I think we played our worst game of the season, too. Big Ben had like 16 interceptions. Yet we're still better than the mistake by the lake!
Oh yeah, and my 4th ranked Pitt Panther hoops squad has bolted out to a 5-0 start, which includes a quality win over UMass.

Saturday, November 18, 2006
Incline Club
Basically the IC is a group of runners who are either training for the Pikes races or Leadville. The schedule is made up by Matt Carpenter, course record holder on both races (and second place is a LONG way back behind him) and generally regarded as the best high altitude runner on the planet. So it is not easy.
I plan to train a lot more religiously with these guys this season in preparation for the Leadville 100 miler in August. A lot of my weekends will include two or three laps around Rampart Resovoir (30 to 45 miles) on Saturday followed by the IC on Sunday. And of course, all Sunday IC runs are followed up with breakfast at the Purple Castle!
Also gonna start doing some shorter races too, see if I can work on getting a little of my speed back. 10K through half marathon distance.
A few of the locals here have asked me about doing the Pikes Peak Ascent. The IC is definitely the best way to do it. I did a lot their Sunday and Thursday runs and it got me in good enough shape for a top ten Double finish (where I also beat Steve Sisson in the Marathon, FYI).
new hash blogger

Friday, November 17, 2006
prepare your livers...
happy hour and the hash in 'da hood
Also thinking of heading up to Denver for the hash on Sunday. It's being billed as the "hash in 'da hood," so any Kimchis wanna head up and drink some brass monkeys?
the scoop on poop
Did find this sweet website dedicated to all things poop though.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
future goals
OK, I'm kidding about the costume, but I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up the next morning, not remembering a thing about the previous evening, and found a similar pic of me on the web.
good finish

Sunday, November 12, 2006
Free pint of local microbrew to the first person who can tell me where that quote came from. And yes Smut, I still owe you your pint for the Kelly Bundy trivia. Come to Colorado and the first pint of Arctic is on me.
Rode three times to work last week, taking advantage of the great Colorado weather. In fact, after I got home from work on Tuesday, I didn't move my jeep until Sunday morning, using my bike for runs to work, the gym, the supermarket, and the liquor store. The bike commute should start getting a lot more difficult as we enter winter (cold weather, slippery roads, riding in the dark) but I'm still gonna keep at it. Fuck the middle east and their oil!
Sure do miss running. Taking the month off but it's tough. Went over to Palmer Park for a few hours today to watch the final race in the fall series. Would have been a great run, all technical singletrack, and it was really hard to be on the sidelines. Shitty conditions too, as it started off freezing cold and snowing, but not twenty minutes later the sun popped out and shot up the temperature, leaving all those who had dressed for the cold sweating their asses off. I hiked out on the trails to watch the runners, and I ended up taking a ton of gear back to the start for some of the runners I knew. Some guy I never saw before even gave me his car keys to carry back. Kudos to Catwoman for finishing well despite getting shitty drunk at the Kimchi hash yesterday. Still have two weeks to go 'till I start running again, not sure how I'm gonna make it.
Got my orders for the Air Force Reserve. Assigned to the 310th Security Forces Squadron. That might change, as I thought I was supposed to go to the 50th SFS, but who knows. The welcome letter talks about wings and chiefs and other stuff which I have no idea about. My first day will be Dec 2, though I've been getting credit since mid-October.
mallwalker hash

From there, it was on to Arctic brewing and then off to Net's house where I proved once again that even with a shitty partner I'm still the Kimchi beirut champ!
Pics are here.

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Happy 40th, Slut!
Friday, November 10, 2006
ultimate holiday bender
Dec 8 - Pikes Peak holiday party at the Thirsty Parrot
Dec 9 (afternoon) - CKH3 "lick my brownie" hash at the Red Rocks Lounge
Dec 9 (night) - CKH3 hashmas party at Arctic Brewing
Dec 10 - Denver H3 Trail of Lights hash (starts at the capital)
Of course, the binge will start on the 7th at half price pitcher happy hour at the Knob Hill Lounge.
Happy Veteran's Day!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Rogue - Pikes Peak
The video isn't just of Pikes, it includes the entire Rogue schedule and places like the greenbelt, Bandera, and the Guadalupe Mountains.
happy days!!!
wed morning
The counter guy, who I see several times a week, says to me, "So what do you think of the big news?"
"You mean the Dems taking over?"
"No, Brittney is getting a divorce..."
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
full blown wino

True, the great music had something to do with the great time, and I can't really deny that I didn't do any other drugs that weekend, but sheesh...what a blast! [For the bloggers out there, the gal in the red shirt is Firetunnel and the chika in the cowboy hat is Closet Freak. Both of their blogs suck.]
And I've slowly been trying some decent wines (i.e., over $3.oo a bottle) since then, but mostly because of women. Chicks love wine, and wine gets 'em in the mood a hell of a lot quicker than beer, so if a gal wants some wine I'm all for it.
But there's a section of wine at Crown that is just Colorado wines. And I plan to be checking that out in the near future.
Of course, I'll never give up on the old standby, Boone's Farm!
Camo Black Ice

People say I never try new things, but I aim to prove them wrong. After every shift at Crown Liquor I will be sampling a new beverage and reporting on it.
Unfortunately, because of the robbery of my jeep and the insane cost of registering a vehicle in the state of Colorado, I had to pass on the high end shelf and try something a little more cost effective.
Enter Camo Black Ice. Emptying the wallet to the tune of $0.89, it gives me everything I need.
First, hard to tell from the lousy pic, but the can is a work of art. You know it's quality with such slogans as "ice brewed," "high gravity lager beer," "ice brewed for extra smooth taste," and my favorite, "xxXxx." Weighs in at a malt liquor hash acceptable 10.5% ABV. For the record, it is brewed by the Five Star Brewing Company out of Lacrosse, WI. You also get a $0.05 refund for the can in Colorado, which works out to a free beer for every nineteen I buy. I've rarely been treated that well in the pubs I visit!
The taste? Well, lets just say you don't buy this for the taste. Take a can of Schlitz, leave it on your dash for a few days in the Austin summer, return it to the fridge for a few months, and Camo is what you get. And yes, I've done that to a can of Schlitz before. Though, I do think Camo would taste incredible with some orange juice.
There is also a Camo White Ice version. That is "naturally" brewed (as opposed to "ice" brewed) but weighs in at a miniscule 9.5% ABV. I'm not really into that NA crap.
Overall impression is that this is something I"ll buy again. Not gonna win any awards at the GABF anytime soon, but sometimes you just wanna drink beer to get drunk. And for those times, this is the perfect brew.
dream job?
Monday I spent the night in the cooler, restocking all the beer. Thousands of cases. I thought I was in heaven! Physically draining though, it's rough work throwing around cases of booze for four straight hours. Hopefully it'll get me in great shape though, so when someone asks how I got my guns, I can say, "Booze. Lotsa booze."
The discount kinda sucks, it's only 10%. But that makes it cheaper than Cheer's, so it's better than nothing. I fully expect my entire paycheck from Crown to be put back into the store. And if any of yunz Kimchis need a bottle or six, let me know.
end women's suffrage!
"Young man, if you don't want a female lawyer, doctor, or politician for a wife, but would prefer a woman who will be a good companion, homemaker, wife, and mother, then vote and induce all your friends to vote against equal suffrage," read a flier funded by the Denver Brewers Association. The group also warned that if women could vote, saloons would close.
Backers countered with the rallying cry, "Let the women vote! They can't do it any worse than the men have!"
Apparently, that struck a chord. Colorado became the second state to give women the right to vote.
All women in the United States didn't gain that right until 1920. That same year, prohibition started, and the saloons closed.
Monday, November 06, 2006
hashing in Runner's World
Dear Miles,
Why are runners often called "harriers"?
-Matt D., College Point, New York
In the 1830s, English schoolboys developed a game called Hares and Hounds: "Hounds" would chase "hares," who would leave paper trails through woods and hills for the hounds to follow. A group of Londoners took up the game in 1867 as a way to stay in shape and adopted the name Harriers. Since then, the term has become a nickname for cross-country runners. It's also been popularized by the Hash House Harriers - the "drinking club with a running problem." This global network of social runners adds their own twist - beer - the old-school game.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
I'm faster than Lance!
new blog
Saturday, November 04, 2006
The editorial can be read here. I've been reading the Army Times every week for several years now, and it's good to see them take this stand.
"...although the blame for our failures in Iraq rests with the secretary, it will be the troops who bear its brunt."
Friday, November 03, 2006
Do as I say, not as I do, New Life Church?
FYI, this guy is one of the sponsors of the upcoming anti-gay marriage amendments to be voted on in Colorado. Not sure, but I don't think there's a meth junkie/gay prostitution issue on the ballot this election.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
part time job?
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
blog stalker

Yes folks, Lou Ferigno reads my blog! Probably for the workout advice...